Re: Biomed

You have no control over this site and who posts or what is posted. With that being stated,! I can post on any thread I want to post without your approval. I've never lashed out at you, but you always seem to lurk behind you're little pc at home and come out full force. I guess it's easier to be a bully behind a keyboard. On one thread you're cutting a certain person up, then you stick up for them on another post. It's hard to be taken serious at all. Now, I know it will be hard, considering you have a bad case of little man syndrome, but do not address me and I will return the favor. Thank you!
I would also like to clarify that I've been in contact with several gentlemen on this site. I also pay close attention to the providers that also post. I'm sure I'll be bashed and that's jjust fine with me, considering my opinion of certain ones who do the bashing. If I lived my life through what some of the people have said to me, I would be in pretty bad shape, but not many on here know me, and I'm grateful for that. I've NEVER showcased or advertised on here and I've done pretty darn well for myself.
I have to agree with you nikki she done well for herself,two college online degrees,a trailer with no wheels{condo},a house that is almost paid for with brand new tires,and a jeep for your kid[fisher price edition} since you don't advertise here or need the board for your business,then why the hell did you join.murphy said the ones who boast the most,don't have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of.who gives a f--k what you have or don't have,your education sound like you pissed your money away.The only thing on this board that concerns you is MJ,and at least she keeps it of eccie,ha ha
Hit me with Your Best Punch...FIRE Away,'re cracking me up. Obviously, I never met with you. You're describing MJ.
Tonka...please...At least give me some credit. Hot Wheels are much better.

I can already tell my amusement will be taken care of today.
I believe that word is 'boast' not 'boost.'
why don't you respond to MJ on backpage,you know if she was a member here she would tear you a new ass,you have 35 post on this board and every post is about MJ,not one person said a word about NIKKI .nobody wants your trash on eccie
Yes, MJ crossed the line when she outed me and made a false report to DHS telling them I prostituted my kid out to men. This was all because of our conversation when I told her I wasn't having a problem setting appointments. Then she came back and said she wasn't meeting with anyone. I will NOT rest until justice is served. I also find it rewarding when someone else goes after her also for her acts of stupidity. The only reason she doesn't say anything is because she's banned.
Biomed is the one that keeps starting these BP threads with the drama on BP and posting alerts about het. I just post responses. Maybe you need to direct your anger toward him. Please point out ONE thread I have started. I dare you to!
your feud has nothing to do with eccie,did anyone post an alert beware of nikki? no,so then keep if off this board. i never said you started a thread did i? I said you have 35 post and they are all about mj
I can voice my concerns as a concerned member also. You can't control me or anyone, including MJ. Oops...did I mention that name again? I bet that tans your hide. I hope it does.
Just because MJ tore you and a few others a new ass, she sure as hell won't mine. I bet that eats at that 2nd ass tore from you. I'm willing to bet there isn't any left of it. She should tear you another one.
well it is a proven fact you speak from your blow hole,mj has never tore we a new ass, show me ,i said she tore you one,every time you hear mj's name on the board,you jump up and scream.your name was never mentioned in the alert today,until you jumped point to you was to keep it off of is your feud not the boards feud.If you were so educated you would handle this in a different manner,i'm sure the problem is mj gets more business than you's hard to sell something you don't have.good sense
Oh, don't get so pissed off. It shows in your typing. I guess I shouldn't be so harsh considering this is your fantasy world. I know your real life must suck, and then you come here and it doesn't settle well when things don't go as you planned. You are also making subtle hints that MJ and you are involved. I bet you both are fuckemys. You know appear to be enemies in public but are fucking in private. Carry on little man. Just be careful and don't get lost in any black holes.
JustaGuyinMS's Avatar
For gods sakes, that's enough. The next post from any of you in this tone gets points - I promise.