Wife wants to take me for a lap dance - but WHERE?

Hi folks. My wife, 55, has just discovered an entirely new side of her sexuality, and has suddenly become VERY free (9 months ago she was very conservative; long story behind it).

Anyway, she also wants ME to experience "the feminine touch" and wants me to get a lap dance tonight somewhere, with her along.

I don't go to any of the clubs, so have no idea where would be best. I would like (a) a nice, clean, relatively upscale place, and (b) a place where there are pretty dancers (obviously), and (c) (I don't know if this is possible), a kind of chill place, not a raucous place.

Any suggestions? Also, what TIME would be the best to visit - late tonight, or tomorrow afternoon?

(P.S.: I'd also love it if there were some context for my wife to get flirted with a little bit)
WOMBAT's Avatar
+1 the Lodge in the back it's a little quieter and more personal.
There is a great Asian lady that knows how to treat you and a lady.
My admin loves it when we take her to the lodge.

I suggest you go in about 7:30 at shift change and get dinner. Good steaks and desserts.
Salmon is ok too. Not that expensive same as Texas Land and Cattle.

They have side half circle booths I suggest you get one. You might call and see if they will reserve it.

Watch a few girls on the little stage then tip the one you both like and just ask her to drop by.

Have a good time!
Thanks for the advice, Wombat. PMing you.
Neal, Take that sexy lady to the Lodge! Also, the ladies at the Lodge are more entertaining and playful than the ladies at the Men's Club or Babydoll's. Those clubs didn't seem to have "couple-friendly" strippers and a lot of those girls just didn't seem too enthusiastic about having a good time.

Also, the lodge has some of the most beautiful dancers I've ever seen. Last time I went there, I was approached by an insanely hot Russian dancer who fondled my breasts. My date almost passed out. Afterwards, I bought him a lap dance from a sexy black dancer. P'M me for the name - She is my personal fave!

Also, don't forget that Saturday is date-night there and the food is just amazing. The Lodge is the perfect place for couples! You and the wife will not be disappointed.

Here is the event flyer from their website: