paranoid about le? why?

the tiger's Avatar
Look, I am new to this arena but common sense tells me that eecie girls are not hookers. They are women that have a very important job of giving male companionship to men that need it. That is not against the law. There is nothing illegal about putting a wad of money on her table as a donation for her time. Once 2 adults have met, if they happen to like each other, that is their business what they both choose to do behind closed doors! It doesn't make a girl a hooker just because she happens to like a guy that gives her a donation for her time.

In the 2 days that I have been on here I have seen many many posts referencing girls on here as hookers.... and it pisses me off. Just because a girl is pretty enough, and has a great enough personality that men and women are willing to give donations for their time does not make that woman a hooker. Neither does the fact that likes to have sex make her a hooker. Nympho yes, hooker no. Last time I checked it was not illegal in the united states of America to be a nympho. This is not Afganistan!

Now a girl that does a BAS and charges $200 just to take her clothes off and then asks for extra money for extra activities, yes feel free to call those girls hookers! That would probably be 80%-90% of the girls on BP.
(I want to add a disclaimer that the girls of eccie that post on bp to get clients in the eccie world are probably the only ones that are not hookers.)

so as long as you don't talk about sex for money on the phone, text or e-mail, or even in person for that matter, and the client walks in and nonchalantly put the donation on the table within the first 3 minutes... nobody has anything to worry about because you are not breaking the fucking law!
trynagetlaid's Avatar
Alerts - Dallas Issues which could endanger the safety of a member or members of our community go here. Please reserve this space for legitimate alerts, and not general FYI material.
matchingmole's Avatar
Never met a real nympho. That word is mostly an overused marketing ploy imho.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Perhaps you need to look up the definition of what "alert" actually means. And then you should read the other alerts here to understand the purpose of this particular forum....And after that, you may want to try to get a vague understanding about the law against prostitution just to save yourself from your own very flawed logic in case you ever get busted.

But if you are Charlie Sheen, and you have that tiger blood, please forget what I just wrote.

In all seriousness, if you think a girl likes a guy she has never met enough to make sure he passes her screening, and pays her, and she sleeps with him after just meeting him because she really likes him after ten minutes and there is no law broken, I have no idea what to tell you; other than show up with no money the next time and you will see how much she likes you and you will see what a true nympho she really is......My guess is that you will be very disappointed about your nympho theory....And if it's an undercover cop from BP, good luck with that defense.

It's a dumb ass law but it's still illegal nonetheless, and that's why some "alerts" posted in this forum are about stings.

And if you think every lady "likes" the dude walking in their door, who passes her screening, I really really don't know what to tell you about reality.
TheWanderer's Avatar
OK, we won't use the term "hooker" anymore.
How about:
1 - Time sharers
2 - Love consultants
3 - Love brokers
4 - sex therapists
5 - Honey for money
6 - TempSex helpers
7 - Contract boppers
8 - Rent-a-chick
9 - Love-Lease
10 - Sublet Sexers
Maybe there should be a forum called Rants and Raves where we could all blow off steam about all the injustices of the world.
Here, you are preaching to the choir.
I would love to hear you explaining your reasoning to a vice cop or better yet a district attorney and then maybe a judge. I think they would either smile or give you a blank stare.
At least we don't use the "W" word anymore....Hey, we're civilized.
shooter6.5's Avatar
so as long as you don't talk about sex for money on the phone, text or e-mail, or even in person for that matter, and the client walks in and nonchalantly put the donation on the table within the first 3 minutes... nobody has anything to worry about because you are not breaking the fucking law![/
the tiger's Avatar
matchingmole, there def is a such thing as nymphos, my 1st 2 girlfriends when I was in my teens, broke up with me and then fucked everything on the planet... almost literally.... and I am not even exagerating!

OK, we won't use the term "hooker" anymore.
How about:
1 - Time sharers
2 - Love consultants
3 - Love brokers
4 - sex therapists
5 - Honey for money
6 - TempSex helpers
7 - Contract boppers
8 - Rent-a-chick
9 - Love-Lease
10 - Sublet Sexers

the wanderer... nice! I like "rent a chick" the best!

shooter6.5, what cops do is get you to say that you are having sex for money. if you don't have anything on tape saying that you are trying to get sex for money, the case is thrown out.

a couple of posters wrote, that my post is not on topic. well, I would like to respectfully challenge that statement. if dumbasses keep on using the H word on this site, then everybody is in fucking danger! that's the point I am trying to make.
Nitwitboy's Avatar
That is awesome. Thrown out in court after you spend a night in jail, possibly being placed on a website for johns, post bond and risk losing your job and family. At least it will be tossed out.
borderboy's Avatar
exactly my thoughts nitwitboty, having the charges thrown out or not is the least of my worries if i run in with le. once ur family and employers find out u were even involved it doesnt really matter if u do time or not
the tiger's Avatar
people are missing the point and I don't like where this is going... so lets cut this off right now.
Pearl Man's Avatar
"so as long as you don't talk about sex for money on the phone, text or e-mail, or even in person for that matter, and the client walks in and nonchalantly put the donation on the table within the first 3 minutes... nobody has anything to worry about because you are not breaking the fucking law!" Originally Posted by The Tiger
Tiger, you are so wrong in so many ways. I just hope none of the Providers reading this will believe what you are saying.
the tiger's Avatar
"Tiger, you are so wrong in so many ways. I just hope none of the Providers reading this will believe what you are saying."

you mean people writing reviews with titles like "never pick up a hooker at mcdonalds"

that's right??? you gotta be kidding me... moderator cut this shit off, please.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
No Tiger, you are missing the point and that's what everyone is trying to explain to you. In your imaginary world, if people stop saying the word "hooker", nobody can figure out what this site is about. And people are trying to let you know that you don't know what you are talking about in regards to the law...So now that nobody agrees with you, you want to take your ball from the playground and go home.
people are missing the point and I don't like where this is going... so lets cut this off right now. Originally Posted by the tiger
I think I got your point:

eecie girls are not hookers.
Did I get it right?

So I understand you don't like to see the term used. Although I don't disagree with you, good luck getting all the current membership to adopt your desired standards.

My question is why write a couple of misleading paragraphs and attempt to make people believe things are fine with the law as long as we don't use the word hooker? I am not a guy in law enforcement, I am not a D,A. or a criminal lawyer. I am also not a judge, so I will not pretend to know something about the law that I can't substantiate.

The issue with your post is that it may be read by someone who is naive enough who may think that, because it is on this internet forum, that it must be true. I know it may not seem plausible, but why take a chance?
the tiger's Avatar
hmmm... maybe you have a point there... people are just too stupid too stay underground and keep the site popular without calling girls hookers... you are right... I am defeated.