The hypocrisy of liberals on climate change

  • oeb11
  • 07-09-2021, 09:16 AM

On Wednesday, Politico reported that the Sunrise Movement, joined by more than 40 other liberal environmental groups, is urging the Biden administration to soften its approach to the Chinese Communist Party.
© Provided by Washington Examiner Specifically, the groups asked that the administration “curb its confrontational approach over issues like Beijing’s crackdown on Hong Kong and forced detention of Uyghur Muslims.” Truly, who cares about human rights and basic freedom as long as you’re a reliable exporter of solar panels and critical minerals?

This is just the most recent instance in a long history of liberals’ hypocritical agenda on the climate. Just a few weeks before this, protesters blockaded the White House, demanding action on climate change, while Rep. Jamaal Bowman, a self-avowed socialist, took the opportunity to dismiss bipartisan infrastructure negotiations being carried out by the president in a profanity-laden speech to the crowd.
Other progressive Democrats, such as Reps. Cori Bush and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, also loudly joined in on the protests. Meanwhile, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders has repeatedly praised the aforementioned Sunrise Movement, which organized the blockade and frequently attacks centrists in Congress for not taking action on climate change.
The claims of these liberal politicians, or the activists who support them, couldn’t come at a more hypocritical moment. Last month, the most bipartisan piece of climate legislation in living memory successfully passed the Senate by a vote of 92 to 8, but it was notably opposed by an unlikely alliance: far-left Sens. Ed Markey and Elizabeth Warren, in addition to Sanders, joined by climate-skeptic Republican Sens. Jim Inhofe and Josh Hawley.
The Growing Climate Solutions Act, which was co-sponsored by 55 senators as far afield as Republican Sen. Marco Rubio and Democratic Sen. Amy Klobuchar, establishes a certification program making it easier for farmers, ranchers, and forest landowners to sell carbon credits to companies looking to offset their carbon footprints. Companies looking to hit their climate targets, including over 20% of the world’s largest businesses and representing $14 trillion in sales, can use the system to pay farmers and landowners to sequester carbon dioxide by improving land use and management practices.
GCSA is an excellent example of bipartisan, commonsense climate legislation with immense public benefits at minimum taxpayer expense — the certification system will only cost about $1 million annually to operate. As such, it has been endorsed by over 70 environmental and agricultural groups. Yet the legislation was equally opposed by an impressive array of leftist environmental groups. A letter was circulated in Congress protesting the GCSA for allegedly empowering fossil fuel interests and not doing enough to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Apparently, this convinced Markey, Sanders, and Warren. Make what you want of the fact that they were joined in their opposition by Inhofe, famous for bringing a snowball into the Senate to disprove global warming.
Just days after opposing the most significant climate bill of the 117th Congress to date, these very politicians are praising protesters for barricading the White House over an alleged lack of action on climate change. The pattern is a mere continuation from the 116th Congress, when hundreds of progressive environmental groups opposed the American Energy Innovation Act of 2020, which turned out to be the largest investment in clean energy in United States history. The claimed moral superiority of climate liberals evaporates under closer scrutiny.
Unfortunately, these leadership failures have real-world consequences. Just this April, left-wing activists claimed success in shutting down New York’s Indian Point nuclear power plant. Before the closure, the plant produced 25% of New York City’s energy. Within a month, in-state carbon emissions from electricity production rose an astonishing 46%. Unperturbed, progressives such as Sanders still call nuclear energy a “fake solution” while also opposing other emissions-reducing technologies, such as carbon capture and natural gas.
People deserve to know that too many climate activists are more interested in empty political rhetoric than actually supporting actionable climate bills. Blockading the White House won’t tackle climate change. Legislating will. The silver lining is that Republicans are increasingly willing to come to the table and fill that gap. Last week, over 60 House Republicans joined forces to form the Conservative Climate Caucus, which is already the third-largest caucus in the House, and furthermore, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy launched a climate task force.
The self-defeating actions of these climate activists show that commonsense solutions are more important than ever. Hopefully, sensible Democrats and Republicans can rally around these policies while rejecting the fringes of their parties. The future of both human rights and our planet depends on it.

AOC and Bernie, and many other of teh DPST nomenklatura - are hardened marxist operatives dedicated to overthrowing the Constitution and representative democracy. They use marxist /communist terms such as 'equity' , green New Deal 'our democracy' - as false flags to fool the foolish minions who desperately want to believe in their pipe dream with a mailed fist.

Hypocrisy is the be and end all of teh fascist DPST party - and without it - they radical marxists would have nothing to present. fiden is a puppet - manipulated by the DPST nomenklatura - who use Racism and division of teh people with Groupthink and doublespeak to attempt to force their marxist revolution on America.

From my cold, dead hands - DPST's!!!!
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Puddens will not defy china , who doesn't comply at all but you know that's ok ,
The science of climate change Yea okay NOTHING the experts have said has occurred EVER so in science that means NOT provable end of story