Is this real?

No charge? What the heck.i mean by Pittsburgh standards this girl is a 10!
Are you willing to sign a model release and have your face on the internet?
Heck no but Im just curious if this is a real ad
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No charge? What the heck.i mean by Pittsburgh standards this girl is a 10! Originally Posted by Loganstryfe
She’s ugly.
It seems to be a pretty straightforward arrangement. You can screw her for free but you have to sign a model release.

What's more important to you? Free sex with an old broad or not having your face on the internet doing so?
I dont want either she is fugly.
She's from NC. I've never seen her but apparently she's real but bigger. Those look like old pics. And yea you gotta be on her page.
omg, she fell out of an ugly tree and hit every branch multiple times