Timing is everything...

Loki Pk's Avatar
Got an 'out of the blue' text from one of my favorite little UTR babes.
Asks if I wanna meet. Now, usually I don't appreciate that kind of dynamic, but I've been banging this sweet little thing for years and I'm always DTF with her.

Problem, I only have 2 hrs to make it work and I told her upfront when I turn into a pumpkin. She says, great see you in 20 mins. I head over and hang in the shitty parking lot of a local no-tel . Since I'm a 30 minute man I know exactly how long this will take and I've got plenty of time. So I wait.
And wait.
And wait. and wait....
Send a text over 10 mins past our scheduled meet. So, I'm already gonna be late for a meeting. And I....wait... another 10 minutes and I finally get a call.... "I'm around the corner, be there in a few". I had to pull the rip cord and jump out.
I was seriously laughing because I should have known there was no way for her to be on time.
She still had to get the room and I've got maybe 15 minutes left to get back to work. And she is pulling for me to stay....but was cool enough when I said no way.

The Point is, proper planning!!
How the fuck am I supposed to get a 30 min apt with only 10 mins left in my schedule? I'm not gonna fucking rush to pop just so I can say I did! The 'call your favorite cash machine" shit gets old fast.
Who wants to get in a session knowing they are already late? Whats the point of that? rushing in just to rush out of a session is such a waste of $$$ and effort.

I know some guys are not down with the 'handler' dynamic, but lots of independents just miss the whole 'time management' part of the program. This chick seems to be slipping a bit...very scattered lately....has me wondering where her head is at (I'm not wondering btw). Too bad!

BUT, it makes me really appreciate the girls like Kira, Bustybabygirl and others who seem to do well on their own. it really does take a bit more strength of character to keep it together, no doubt.
Ah well, there is always tomorrow, and tomorrow and tomorrow...

Exactly what I posted about the old go to ladies - ain’t like the old days PK
All that waiting in a notell would have put me on edge and I would have "popped smoke" long before you did.......
A lot of BS these days in Albany
bustybabygirl's Avatar
Aww thank you Loki.
Loki Pk's Avatar
Aww thank you Loki. Originally Posted by bustybabygirl
You're welcome!
I appreciate the ability of those girls that properly manage a client list and 'work-load ' (I just said load !).

Obviously, I spend lots of time reading, approving and assigning reviews, so I see the deets on providers all around the way..... some chicks just don't have good TCB skillz.

There is a dearth of solid providers in Albany these days.... too many flighty phillys. C'est la vie

You're welcome!
I appreciate the ability of those girls that properly manage a client list and 'work-load ' (I just said load !).

Obviously, I spend lots of time reading, approving and assigning reviews, so I see the deets on providers all around the way..... some chicks just don't have good TCB skillz.

There is a dearth of solid providers in Albany these days.... too many flighty phillys. C'est la vie

Pk Originally Posted by Loki Pk
I think that is what you meant PK
TreeBark's Avatar
Good word. I had to google it. Never heard it before but very appropriate.
Running the hook aint easy that's for sure.
Loki Pk's Avatar
I think that is what you meant PK Originally Posted by Mtnliving
Dearth -
lack, scarcity, shortage, shortfall, want, deficiency, insufficiency, inadequacy