Topshelf Tess: a marketing genius

Monk Rasputin's Avatar
There are so many things I like about Topshelf Tess. She’s beautiful. She’s kind and thoughtful. She’s funny. She's got a cute little popka. She’s smart. BCD, she’s… well, I really don’t want to go into that here, but BCD with her is always an “elevating” experience. To that list, I now add that Tess is a marketing genius. Case in point…

How did you pull that off, Tess? How did you get them to put your stage name at the top of the editorial page of the Statesman? You can’t buy that kind of publicity. You must have boinked them all, boys and girls both. Is that what it was? Was it one of those (nudge-nudge) “editorial conferences”?

Monk,sweetie, you know I never kiss and tell!
Not even if you tied me up and gave me one of your famous tongue lashings would I divulge info like that! A girl has to have a few secrets, besides it makes dining out in public so much more fun!
What I want to know is, who is this guy Travis? And why on earth does he think the AA-S op-ed page is an appropriate review forum?? Tess, introduce him to eccie already!
SASpurfan's Avatar
I don't know about many of you, but I find it hard to believe Tess needs to market at all. Actually, I think we (those of us lucky enough to have spent time with her) do enough marketing of her on our own. Guilty.

I don't know about many of you, but I find it hard to believe Tess needs to market at all. Actually, I think we (those of us lucky enough to have spent time with her) do enough marketing of her on our own. Guilty.

SAS Originally Posted by SASpurfan
Absolutely! You guy's are too much!
I don't know about many of you, but I find it hard to believe Tess needs to market at all. Actually, I think we (those of us lucky enough to have spent time with her) do enough marketing of her on our own. Guilty.

SAS Originally Posted by SASpurfan
X2 And X2 and also guilty!
SASpurfan's Avatar
For some time now every time I see the "Bender Ball" commercials on FoxNews, I think of Tess because Leslee Bender and Tess look so much alike. Just wonder if anyone else has recognized this. Why would Tess need to market when Bender does it for her?

ibechill's Avatar
Leslee Bender
SASpurfan's Avatar
Tess has a better chest! MUCH BETTER!
nuglet's Avatar
Sorry Ibechill; that looks nothing like Tess except perhaps the hair color. I'm not knocking Ms Bender, but she looks like a horse compared to Tess. I doubt you'll find many that agree with you about that comparison.
Morgan205's Avatar
I have got to get back to Austin to visit!! Tess Is the Best I have seen in a four state area. You guys don't know how good you have it in A-town. GREAT PLACE with a GREAT LADY. (Tess; Thanks for the smiles.)