Proposed Eliza Doolittle Competition

Over the past year, I have consistently been amazed at the provider ads posted - not only in Dallas but in other markets. Either the written portion of the ad is atrocious (grammar and content) or the quality of the pictures is embarrassing. This doesn't even take into account the questionable poses in some of the pictures which would make an ob/gyn wince.

I am neither a photographer nor a marketing expert, but I have always wondered if given the opportunity, would I be able to be like Prof. Henry Higgins and turn a flower girl into a society star. Or, in this case, a hot mess into an HDH. Actually, I would probably be more like Col. Pickering.

One would have to have cooperation from providers, who would volunteer for the makeover. Individuals or groups would then select a provider from those volunteering. A before ad (pre-contest) and after ad would be submitted to the board and a winner would be selected by anyone wishing to vote. A panel of judges would be convened to moderate and oversee the competition. Being somewhat old school, I would suggest esteemed members such as Chipper, WTF, Altcomedy, pjrourke (not Dallas, but they make me laugh), Thatdude, Chevalier and Carrie Hillcrest (because she gets the references and is an HDH) become judges or moderators in the competition. If a provider is willing to submit her name and more than one group requests the opportunity to be her 'enri 'iggins, than she gets to chose.

Someone with more intellect than I have can expand the competition rules if there is any traction for the proposal. From my standpoint, we would all benefit from the competition. Ads would get better thereby increasing business thereby increasing the velocity of money in Dallas. In essence, we would all be winners.
pyramider's Avatar
Maybe I should reactivate my provider handle ...
Boltfan's Avatar
I just can't believe I saw chipper and thatdude's name in the same sentence.
daty/o's Avatar
we would all benefit from the competition. Ads would get better thereby increasing business thereby increasing the velocity of money in Dallas. In essence, we would all be winners. Originally Posted by wgh1973
Sounds a little like "trickle down economics". With all due respect, my hobby budget needs more "flower girls".
A lot of the ads of which the OP complains (or takes note of) are being written by Elijah Doolittle rather than Eliza.

Jus' sayin', in case that bit of info has any impact on the proposed contest. But I'm sure they're great guys and would be open to any constructive criticism that a hobbyist might want to offer.
LucadeJure's Avatar
I kinda doubt if constructive criticism would have an impact on Elijah Doolittle, great guy or not. Might even be misinterpreted as an insult.

And besides, the types of ads and Welcome Wagon posts to which wgh1973 refers are targeted at a specific demographic of Hobbyist, (I am totally guessing about that). I must not be in that target market cuz if they look like BP ads I pay them no mind.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Fast Eddie's Avatar
Elizabeth, You do not need help. You should be one of the judges or instructors.
Movies are not real life.

Let them advertise as they wish. It gives me insight to the person a little bit, and helps with the selection. Nothing is worse than having a person present themselves one way, and then, when you meet them, they are not as presented.
PODarkness's Avatar
There is much more to being an HDH than a well turned ad...
At least, I hope there is.

Sounds like an ad contest, which is fine, but it's not really a make-over unless the lady in question is ready to make many other changes, which take a lot of time.
Where is the entertainment value in correct spelling and grammar??
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
And yeah....Henry Higgins was pretty much a jackass. What lady wants to spend that kinda time with a jackass? None of them I know of, regardless of their education, class or style. ijs
Some pet mistakes: formally instead of formerly, your instead of you're. What are some of the other common goofs?
TexTushHog's Avatar
Would they have to speak in a Cockney accent? Would they have to know who George Bernard Show is and be able to spell Pygmalion? Wouldn't it be more appropriate to have aMoll Flanders, Sonya Marmeladova, or Holly Golightlycontest?

Inquiring minds want to know?
KittyLamour's Avatar
I often wonder myself about providers claiming to be VIP level companions who can't put a complete sentence together. Most of the providers I've communicated with on that level, (sub-VIP) do not take constructive criticism well, so...a makeover would most likely be a waste of time. Then again, I'm sure that true VIP's also notice these poorer ads and that it is a factor in their decision on who to contact. I say, don't sweat the small will take care of itself.