Getting back up to speed

Y0yoY0's Avatar
1. Co-Ed is dead, but ads and Indy reviews are as busy as ever. --Meaning it's true, ppl really aren't posting as much anymore, but it's not because they've gone elsewhere. (More of an observation. I've just been struck by how often threads from the day before are still showing up on page 1 lol).

2. "Catholic" means un-cfs....and it is openly sought/offered/received. (This I'm really not sure about. It's only been a year since I was last active and it was still as taboo as ever, then. And, rightly so, imo....but, hey. And, hopefully I'm getting this completely wrong ).

Just curious...

Ppl have been saying "things are so different now" since I joined in 2005. It's really never seemed so true to me until now, though. Wow lol!

Note: this is not intended to be judgmental or sarcastic.
FunInDFW's Avatar
Catholic means no condom, correct.

That note + "imo" = lol.
Y0yoY0's Avatar
I think it's crazy. Ppl are literally fucking stupid for doing it, but, hey... Lol

I can only assume it's been discussed at length
agentx's Avatar
If you the DFW Co-Ed area lacks posts, you should check out Austin. REALLY sucks these days.

Yes, much different than in the past - let's say 5+ years ago.
Y0yoY0's Avatar
I realize it could also be the drama that is the present focus of attention. 40 fucking pages?? Geez LOL

Overall the market is still functioning, which I guess is the main thing
Duthgar1976's Avatar
But we seem to have a shortage of ladies who enjoy dato
Chung Tran's Avatar
But we seem to have a shortage of ladies who enjoy dato Originally Posted by Duthgar1976
really? I don't seem to be missing out.. my tongue is Doo Doo Brown, LOL
A shortage of ladies who enjoy DATO.. that's rather unfortunate. I personally can't get enough DATO and ass play!