Pro Choice? Stand up.

Everyone who thinks women should have complete control of their bodies needs to call their Texas Congressional Rep, go down to the Capitol this week, write an Op-Ed, or otherwise make a statement. These lawmakers are trying to set the clock back and we need to resist. 5 clinics for the entire State of Texas? We'll be back to coat hangers in back alleys if the idiots have their way.
Secret_Amore's Avatar
see you asking ppl to out their political stand will only lead to division and drama. they aren't setting clock back there are thing called Birth Control and the Morning after pill. if your not responsible enough to take precautions during sex your not old enough to be having it. Prevention Not Elimination.
MoneyManMatt's Avatar
Why is this in Co-ed?
While I agree with the OP, this does not belong here.
Moving to the proper Forum.

problem is most Lawmakers in Texas are religious that what is what this all boils down to....