Sexy Charlotte and Her Friends Blocking me

Out of town just visiting. I tried to reach out a few provider since OH2 is down. I was very polite with my exchanges. I know Sexy Charlotte is a very reputable provider so I texted her. I thought I was being very polite, and she blocked me after I said :"I been a premium member on eccie since 2014. I may get p411 if OH2 isn't going to be fixed. I never DMed any members b4. I will reach out to u my next Austin if OH2 is up or I get a P411". She responded "great let me know". She quickly followed up with: "I'm going to block you after this text. But just saying if you are a premium member eccie you'd have links to your references from that site and not only OH2. Good luck on finding your perfect date". She subsequently ask her friends to blacklist me. I really think this is uncalled for since I have been polite and honest with my entire exchange...
Not trying to turn this into a drama. Nor am I saying she doesn't have the right to not see me. But I think informing her friends and blacklist me is really uncalled for...
Best to just move along man
gman45's Avatar
I would say Next!!!
winn dixie's Avatar
gman44's Avatar
I agree that you should move on but Charlotte to block you doesn't sound like her. She is very sweet and there must have been some kind of misunderstanding there.
I agree that you should move on but Charlotte to block you doesn't sound like her. She is very sweet and there must have been some kind of misunderstanding there. Originally Posted by gman44

Thanks y'all. I have nothing against her per se. And I will def. move on. I send you a PM giving the TLDR of what happened. I was being polite and honest the entire time. I am happy to attached the conversations I had with her and her friend (I don't think it's necessary). But I am like most hobbyists, just trying to have fun and not here to ruin anyone's reputation. I posted this only because I don't want her to tell other providers I am some sort of a**hole.
Sexy Charlotte's Avatar
I normally do not engage in public drama, however I feel that this is an attack on my integrity. I have attached the entire text conversation from this morning. Feel free to make your own judgements.

❤️ Charlotte

Staff edit to remove screen pics - UC
Sexy Charlotte's Avatar
When someone has posted 16 reviews here but claims not to be able to provide references, in my opinion is the definition of dishonesty, therefore I have chosen to block you.

In regards to my friends I value and love each of them. I respect them completely and whatever conclusion they may have come to about your behavior.

Like I said in our last text. It does not look like we are a good match good luck on finding your perfect date.

❤️ Charlotte
  • Dopey
  • 03-09-2022, 02:20 AM
@OP Just move on. Best of luck.
I have not posted a review since 2016. And I have said nothing dishonest or impolite in the conversation. I am out of the town visiting, so I don't know any local providers. I don't have numbers saved from OH2 providers have seen in the past. Your friend send this text 2 min (see link below) after our texts when I am have been honest and polite to you the entire time... I don't care not seeing you or our friend, but I just didn't want you to tell others that I am behaving dishonestly or being an a**hole when I am being nice to you the entire time and said nothing dishonest (I wouldn't even posted the thread if your friend didn't say "all of respected professional provider in this area are friends. We do not tolerate poorly behave men")... Let's just end here... GL
Passion2015's Avatar

I would definitely move on away from this drama. One of the main reasons hobbyist are on these sites are to escape drama and just enjoy sexual satisfaction.

This sounds like sexual frustration to me and that’s not why hobbyist are here,

Hobbyist are charged plenty of $$$ nowadays and should not have to go through any drama like this.

Move on to another that creates little to know drama and you will have sexual satisfaction
  • snk
  • 03-09-2022, 10:09 AM
Wow she posted the entire message exchange in an effort to justify why she blocked you but I'm even more confused now. I don't see what part of your message exchange was rude or dishonest. You very politely told her you would be in touch next time.

To block you and then badmouth you to her friends is pretty pathetic on her part. Sadly, this has become par for the course especially for the OH2 transplants you will see more of here.
Passion2015's Avatar
Exactly SNK,

This is exactly why I hobby less and when I do hobby I see regulars.
Thanks, y'all. I will move on.