The next POTUS will be Hillary Clinton

The attacks on Obama as he winds down his time in the WH is hilarious. The GOP supporters still haven't figured out how this game is played. Hillary had a private lunch with Obama recently and it's clear they're planning her behind the scenes transition to the WH as more attention is paid to Obama. Obama for his part is brilliant in tugging at the heart strings of the American people by doing the little things. (e.g - soldier bargain, Afghan withdrawal, Medal of Honors, VA house cleaning) Rant and rave all you want about Obama but his place and legacy in US politics is secure.

At this point there is no one on the right that will stand a real chance against the Clinton machine. Hillary Clinton will be the next POTUS and how ironic would it be if she chose Michelle Obama as her running mate.

An all woman ticket. That's too potent for the Republicans to overcome. Hilary wins 2 terms easily.
Hillary Clinton will be the next POTUS and how ironic would it be if she chose Michelle Obama as her running mate. Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
Let's examine the possibilities by adding up the years, shall we?

(D) Bill Clinton - 1992-2000
(R) Shrubya - 2000-2008
(D) Barack Obama - 2008-2016
(D) Hillary Clinton - 2016- 2024
(D) Michelle Obama - 2024-2032

Next in the line of succession:

(D) Chelsea Clinton - 2032-2040

(D) (D) And then we have to choose between the Obama daughters regarding who will be the first to succeed Chelsea.

Well, that takes us to 2056!

Perhaps we can select a token Republican at that time (but only for 1 term, of course).

I can't wait for Chelsea to select a name for her first born so that we can start preparing for the year 2060.

Happy Days Are Here Again!
Try not to think too far ahead of the 2014 election.

As I have said many times before, all this 2016 election and Hillary Clinton talk just stresses that Barack Obama is a prematurely "lame duck" President.
Let's examine the possibilities by adding up the years, shall we?

(D) Bill Clinton - 1992-2000
(R) Shrubya - 2000-2008
(D) Barack Obama - 2008-2016
(D) Hillary Clinton - 2016- 2024
(D) Michelle Obama - 2024-2032 Originally Posted by bigtex
Not sure about Michelle running but I think the San Antonio mayor Julian Castro will be after Hillary. Obama just raised his National profile by tapping him to be the HUD secretary ahead of 2016. He could even run with Hillary making the Mexican vote a lock.

Clinton / Castro would also be devastating for Repubs. Given their short-sighted political gamesmanship I just see no way the repubs are back in POTUS office within the next 24-28 yrs.
The attacks on Obama as he winds down his time in the WH is hilarious. The GOP supporters still haven't figured out how this game is played. Hillary had a private lunch with Obama recently and it's clear they're planning her behind the scenes transition to the WH as more attention is paid to Obama. Obama for his part is brilliant in tugging at the heart strings of the American people by doing the little things. (e.g - soldier bargain, Afghan withdrawal, Medal of Honors, VA house cleaning) Rant and rave all you want about Obama but his place and legacy in US politics is secure.

At this point there is no one on the right that will stand a real chance against the Clinton machine. Hillary Clinton will be the next POTUS and how ironic would it be if she chose Michelle Obama as her running mate.

An all woman ticket. That's too potent for the Republicans to overcome. Hilary wins 2 terms easily. Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
Ok, so what would we get out of that. Hillary and Michelle Obama what could we as Americans look foreword too with that arrangement?

Try not to think too far ahead of the 2014 election.

As I have said many times before, all this 2016 election and Hillary Clinton talk just stresses that Barack Obama is a prematurely "lame duck" President. Originally Posted by gnadfly

That's fine because it's not about Obama at this stage more than it is about moving the Dem political agenda forward. Two more years of Obama care success with positive enrollment numbers and more poor Republican Americans signing up means the Republicans (politically speaking) are pretty much done.
Ok, so what would we get out of that. Hillary and Michelle Obama what could we as Americans look foreword too with that arrangement?

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin

The benefits are numerous. Let me start by saying with the exception of the clueless Sarah Palin it's always the top of the ticket that counts in moving the party's political agenda forward.


  • Let me start with an agenda that improves women's rights across the board (e.g. Lilly Ledbetter fair pay act on steroids, right to choose arguments, military brass assignments, etc) and extends to other minority groups across the country.
  • Healthcare for Americans started by Obama and improved upon by women who are looked at as the caretakers / givers of the family unit.
  • Women can achieve and make America better slogans will help weed out the good old boy / country club mindset and usher us into an new era of inclusion. The county will take a decisive swing toward showing the world we're Progressive and welcome more business and opportunity to America.
  • A stronger and streamlined military started by Obama and improved upon by Hillary and her War counsel. Terrorists and militants willing to test but wary of a woman's scorn. ;-)
  • A Hilary and Michelle Obama ticket would be pretty potent especially considering how educated they are and how talented and gifted Michelle is academically and at public speaking. Two ivy league grad female attorney's in office would be highly inspirational and bridge a lot of social gaps.
Part of my point is we'd be far better off without far right religious wig-nuts running for office talking about their god and trying to shove it down everyone's throat.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The benefits are numerous. Let me start by saying with the exception of the clueless Sarah Palin it's always the top of the ticket that counts in moving the party's political agenda forward.


  • Let me start with an agenda that improves women's rights across the board (e.g. Lilly Ledbetter fair pay act on steroids, right to choose arguments, military brass assignments, etc) and extends to other minority groups across the country. and then systematically under paid women in the White House, caused higher unemployment for minorities, women, and college students. Distrupted our military with social experimentation.
  • Healthcare for Americans started by Obama and improved upon by women who are looked at as the caretakers / givers of the family unit. Free birth control? Is that what this is all about?
  • Women can achieve and make America better slogans will help weed out the good old boy / country club mindset and usher us into an new era of inclusion. The county will take a decisive swing toward showing the world we're Progressive and welcome more business and opportunity to America. You mean women like Nikkie Haley, Joni Ernst, Mia Love, and Sarah Palin. Women who the democrats demean, racially and sexually attack.
  • A stronger and streamlined military started by Obama and improved upon by Hillary and her War counsel. Terrorists and militants willing to test but wary of a woman's scorn. ;-) Now you're just smoking something if you believe any of this.
  • A Hilary and Michelle Obama ticket would be pretty potent especially considering how educated they are and how talented and gifted Michelle is academically and at public speaking. Two ivy league grad female attorney's in office would be highly inspirational and bridge a lot of social gaps. I suppose the GOP (conservative wing) could easily counter by running a Carson/Cain ticket. Watch yourself, anything you say against this ticket would be racist.
Part of my point is we'd be far better off without far right religious wig-nuts running for office talking about their god and trying to shove it down everyone's throat. Originally Posted by Zanzibar789

Did you forget about the god of the left; environmentalism. You have your god being shoved down everyone's throat right now and you love the taste.

The very sad truth is that the party of Harry Truman and JFK is reduced to one candidate for 2016. Now they need a celebrity running mate.
The benefits are numerous. Let me start by saying with the exception of the clueless Sarah Palin it's always the top of the ticket that counts in moving the party's political agenda forward.


  • Let me start with an agenda that improves women's rights across the board (e.g. Lilly Ledbetter fair pay act on steroids, right to choose arguments, military brass assignments, etc) and extends to other minority groups across the country.
  • Healthcare for Americans started by Obama and improved upon by women who are looked at as the caretakers / givers of the family unit.
  • Women can achieve and make America better slogans will help weed out the good old boy / country club mindset and usher us into an new era of inclusion. The county will take a decisive swing toward showing the world we're Progressive and welcome more business and opportunity to America.
  • A stronger and streamlined military started by Obama and improved upon by Hillary and her War counsel. Terrorists and militants willing to test but wary of a woman's scorn. ;-)
  • A Hilary and Michelle Obama ticket would be pretty potent especially considering how educated they are and how talented and gifted Michelle is academically and at public speaking. Two ivy league grad female attorney's in office would be highly inspirational and bridge a lot of social gaps.
Part of my point is we'd be far better off without far right religious wig-nuts running for office talking about their god and trying to shove it down everyone's throat. Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
Like the old saying goes, "Be careful what you wish for"

lustylad's Avatar
The attacks on Obama as he winds down his time in the WH is hilarious. Originally Posted by Zanzibar789

Winds down his time? The scary part is we still have 963 days left. Any way you can speed that up, zanzy?
Did you forget about the god of the left; environmentalism. You have your god being shoved down everyone's throat right now and you love the taste.

The very sad truth is that the party of Harry Truman and JFK is reduced to one candidate for 2016. Now they need a celebrity running mate. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

The Left isn't perfect for sure but they dam sure ain't batshitcrazy like the Right. I admire the Right though as they've managed to get all these poor working class rural American's to actually believe they have something in common with these folks. Joe the plumber comes to mind making 40k a year and balking at the notion of income disparity with this crazy dream he was going to someday make 250k as a plumber.

Got to give the GOP credit for getting folks to vote against their own interests. That takes skill or maybe just demagoguery at it's finest. Finally,as far as Hermain Cain he would be the black male version of Sarah Palin, just absolutely clueless:

lustylad's Avatar
I admire the Right though as they've managed to get all these poor working class rural American's to actually believe they have something in common with these folks. Joe the plumber comes to mind making 40k a year and balking at the notion of income disparity with this crazy dream he was going to someday make 250k as a plumber.

Got to give the GOP credit for getting folks to vote against their own interests. That takes skill or maybe just demagoguery at it's finest. Originally Posted by Zanzibar789

Just curious, zanzy... How do YOU know what is in Joe the Plumber's own interest better than he does? Who the fuck are you to denigrate his "crazy dream"? Why don't you take your stuck up attitude and turn it into a winning slogan for the libtard Dems - "Stop dreaming America! It's time to let the libtards tell you what is best for you!" Yeah, that'll work. People like Joe the Plumber can smell your condescension a mile away.

Zanzibar, you should consider a run for public office. There is a place for bright, articulate people like you.

As for my previous post, I am not naive enough to think that there will be a Democrat in the White House until 2052 but I do know, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that the mere mention of the Clinton's and the Obama's staying in the White House for an extended period of time would surely make our resident Idiot's foam at the mouth.

True to form, it did not take long to reel in the likes of Turdy the smelly ol' Turdfly, JD Idiot and LexiLiar's half brother (the other LL).

Once JD's Patriarch and Matriarch (Lexi Liar and Hating Kayla) and their other sons, IB and JL, along with the cousins ("Sweet Ass" IIFFY and Trendy Trendaway weigh in, I am considering asking President Obama to call a MISSION ACCOMPLISHED photo op on an American Aircraft Carrier. Perhaps our President will decide to rub it in by strutting his "stuff" across the deck of the carrier, while wearing a Naval Aviator's flight suit.

That should capture some attention!
Just curious, zanzy... How do YOU know what is in Joe the Plumber's own interest better than he does? Who the fuck are you to denigrate his "crazy dream"? Why don't you take your stuck up attitude and turn it into a winning slogan for the libtard Dems - "Stop dreaming America! It's time to let the libtards tell you what is best for you!" Yeah, that'll work. People like Joe the Plumber can smell your condescension a mile away.

. Originally Posted by lustylad

There is a difference between wealth and income disparity. The top 1% control ~ 36 % of wealth in the country and 10% control ~75% of the wealth which leaves 25% to the remaining 90% of Americans. For these people the capital gains and other stocks and investments are taxed at a lower rate 15% so that if you're making most of your money through investment income vs wages (where the 90% live) you get to keep more and pay less.

It's not because these folks are smarter or more educated than others it's because of an historical and unfair system of wealth distribution. Joe the Plumber represents to me one of the dumb masses voting against his own interests. If Joe the plumber can't see the greater context of Obama's argument amongst the many others to make things a tad bit fairer for all then absolutely yes I do know what's in his best interest better than he does.
Zanzibar, you should consider a run for public office. There is a place for bright, articulate people like you.

As for my previous post, I am not naive enough to think that there will be a Democrat in the White House until 2052 but I do know, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that the mere mention of the Clinton's and the Obama's staying in the White House for an extended period of time would surely make our resident Idiot's foam at the mouth.

True to form, it did not take long to reel in the likes of Turdy the smelly ol' Turdfly, JD Idiot and LexiLiar's half brother (the other LL).

Once JD's Patriarch and Matriarch (Lexi Liar and Hating Kayla) and their other sons, IB and JL, along with the cousins ("Sweet Ass" IIFFY and Trendy Trendaway weigh in, I am considering asking President Obama to call a MISSION ACCOMPLISHED photo op on an American Aircraft Carrier. Perhaps our President will decide to rub it in by strutting his "stuff" across the deck of the carrier, while wearing a Naval Aviator's flight suit.

That should capture some attention! Originally Posted by bigtex
LOL - that would be an awesome photo op.