Accidently loaded naked picture on fb lol

So my dad calls me at 1am in the morning saying "wake yo ass up you have a naked photo on facebook" So im like which one of my friends done found out and posted some pics of me. Come to find out it was ME. My phone had been ghost dialing all day, and een pulling up apps by it self. I would never guess it could have loaded a naked photo lol. Some comments I got on the photo.

"FB better than cable"


"I just know this was an accident"

"girl yo ass is fine as hell"

and my personal favorite "when are you coming home again?"

Watch your phone cause you could be next! Kisses A
That now is funny right there...

Thanks for sharing.

Jules Jaguar's Avatar
bwhahahahahaha my biggest fear!! although I dont think too many of my friends or family would be very surprised.
davo1's Avatar
  • davo1
  • 08-23-2011, 12:09 PM
Since nobody else has said it yet....

I wonder how many of the *numerous* people who have clicked on this thread were hoping for a "visual aid"......

Your story is funny, though