
A question I want to put before all of you old timers. I feel if a provider only wants to contact through texting that she has some one else handling her business. I will leave to your judgement and guesses as to whom it might be. I prefer talking to the provider rather than a text message.
Chainsaw Anthropologist's Avatar
I don't fear that as much as I do loss of communications. By that I mean text messages that disappear for days after being sent. On more than one occasion I've had messages pop up on my phone that were sent days earlier. Once, it caused me to miss an appointment I had planned upon for weeks, not to mention the resulting hard feelings it caused.

I'm always texting but it's because I work a "normal" job too and go to school so I can't always answer calls. If they request I call, I always do.
Shayla Thanks for your input. My question came up because on two memorable occasions I was missled by some one I later found was not the provider but a scheduler/pimp as to the true hook up. I have decided that I would rather talk to the person I am to meet. I find I can talk to the lady for 2 minutes and get every thing concluded. If I am texting then I am involved with my phone for ten minutes. I like to hear your voice and find that brings us to a happy get together.
  • Oppa
  • 08-22-2011, 03:25 PM
Since you mentioned "old timer," I'm going to suggest it's a generational thing. Texting is just more convenient rather than picking up the phone...and leaving a voicemail...or playing phone tag....or you get the picture.

In terms of a scheduler or pimp, if the scheduler is a woman, it's just as easy for her to pretend to be the provider.

Texting is a huge method of communication for me in my personal and professional life, and I wouldn't expect that to be any different from a provider my age.
I am talking about what I like so you are correct. If I talk to a provider I know that she may not be who shows up. I may be getting off subject but I love tattoos as I carry a picture with me on the first meeting to make sure I am seeing who I was seeking. Texting may be fast for you but I find a 2 minute conversation gets what I can expect from the provider. A text messages runs 10 or 15 minutes of back and forth. To show that I am not against new things I bought a phone with a keyboard to speed things up. I know whoopie do ha ha
  • Oppa
  • 08-22-2011, 07:51 PM
Hey baby steps lol.
mpython1's Avatar
I agree with Shayla and others. Texting allows more privacy when in a work environment. Also you can exchange information like address, etc. more easily. As long as you do your homework on eccie and P411 about a provider, you should not be surprised. IMHO
I personally perfer phone calls, but texting is more private if your around your SO and want to schedule a late night apointment. I find hobbyists that call me I get a better "connection" with. Though if I'm slightly busy I have no problem asking for a text. Either way, I'll find a way to communicate if its by smoke signals.
Anna you are so right about the connection you get with a voice. I don't agree it takes less time. The time taken sending and receiving a text is longer. If I receive a message my phone bugs the hell out of me until I look at it.
Thanks to you all for the thoughtful answers.
GabrielaSweetheart's Avatar
I am the one behind the texting. I'm just not always in a place where you can hear me well or around people I don't want hearing my conversation.
kenpachi's Avatar
I prefer texting Its just way easier and I don't have to whisper on the phone
  • Oppa
  • 08-31-2011, 11:01 AM
I'm just not always in a place where you can hear me well or around people I don't want hearing my conversation.

In addition, it's a matter of convenience. At times during a hectic work day, I can't pick up my phone in the middle of something. A text allows me to check it at my time frame. Plus, it's a bit hard to take a call in the middle of a meeting but pretty damn easy to text.
OK all of you young whipper snappers text is the now thing. I will have to get my old ass up to speed. You will have to bare with me as I learn all of the short cuts. LOL