What is wrong with our Country?

We got North Korea threatening nuclear annihilation, we got debt stacked so high that no one believes we can pay it back, we have unsecured borders, our Pentagon has suffered cyber attacks, etc. I mean we could go on all day long about all the things facing the US. I mean there are 53 MILLION gallons of radioactive waste at the Hanford site, in tanks that are leaking.

What do the Feds think is worthwhile to allocate money to?

Arresting guys for wick dipping in wells they ain't in a relationship with. Shit, if that is the worst thing that ever happens in a community.....that would be better than living in Mayberry.

These politicians and cops are as worthless as tits on a boar hog.

Rant over.
Old Horn Dog's Avatar
You're preaching to the choir brother but I'm w/you...
Arverni's Avatar
Law Enforcement has become a self-licking ice cream cone. In order to stay employed, in order to keep getting raises and hiring new cops - they now jump on "crusades" that will fill their budgets with cash.

I used to work for an organization that jumped on the Global Warming bandwagon - and we didn't do it because we believed the earth was warming. We did it because there's a LOT of money that organizations are willing to put up for phony studies.

Same thing with Trafficking In Persons ... the US is the leader of that bandwagon internationally. We're claiming now that there are more slaves than there were before the civil war ... more slaves than the present population of the continent of Australia - it's ridiculous. Billions are being poured into this so of course - local LE is going to find a way to get involved to get on that gravy train.

This is the nature of government.

I don't know why people have a high opinion of Cops. They are the biggest control freaks on the planet. Bastards never did anything good for me and they've profiled my ass off (and I'm WHITE). I'll exempt the beautiful deputies that work in Livingston Parish Sheriff's Office - they're hot and nice. Shit I don't know though - they may work outside that office as freaking decoys. Whatever.

It's NOT a free country anymore.

Dis - you and I agree on something what do you know?
Its truly pathetic, and just by reading the comments of the general public under the article, the feeling is mutual. What about the spending cuts? Sequester? It all nothing more than a scam, the whole thing. We are all grown adults and supposed to be "Land of the Free" Beacon of hope, The ideal society.

This is far from free, there are so many "special Interests" every one trying to fill their own pockets, ZERO regard for the bill of rights. The citizen, the individuals right are completely disregarded by the establishment.
  • MrGiz
  • 03-14-2013, 10:19 AM
Collectively. . . it is OUR fault!

Everyone needs to get "involved"!! Convince everyone you know, to vote out every fucking Senator and/or Representative who isn't working for the tax paying property owners of their districts.

- If you're not a tax paying property owner... No Voting Priveleges
- Term Limits for all of Congress. . .
- No more lifelong pensions for one term served!
- New amendment to make all of their decisions and laws affect them as equally as any of their constituents... same Health Care , same Social Security , same travel expenses , same tax advantages , same vacation time , same lack of sick-pay , etc. . .
- Limit or cut-out all lobbyist political contributions
- Redefine the Washington D.C. definition of an Expense CUT! A "CUT" does not mean a lower rise than planned!
- Put an end to the I.R.S. !! Fair Consumption Tax for all!
- Put an end to The Federal Reserve Banking System.
- Quit printing new money with zero back-up!
- Quit giving billions of U.S. dollars to countries who hate the U.S.!
- Get the fuck out of Afghanistan and protect our own borders!
- Quit trying to be the world's Police Force
- Fuck the entire mid-eastern part of the Planet

- So , so , so much more. . . convince a 100 people to give a fuck. . . and tell them to vote!
- Throw the Bums Out! All of 'em!!

Thomas Jefferson is rolling over in his grave in disgust!
Collectively. . . it is OUR fault! Originally Posted by MrGiz
Without question!!! It is the people's fault. People have become so dumbed down to "bumper sticker" politics that its pathetic. Politicans are afraid to tackle the big issues because it takes longer than 15 seconds to explain.

In my humble opinion it is partly due to the primary system, but by in large it is dues to politicians drawing the maps. There are too many districts that cater to one side or the other.

Everyone needs to get "involved"!! Originally Posted by MrGiz
No doubt. I wish voting was mandatory.

Convince everyone you know, to vote out every fucking Senator and/or Representative who isn't working for the tax paying property owners of their districts. Originally Posted by MrGiz

- If you're not a tax paying property owner... No Voting Priveleges Originally Posted by MrGiz
Does this mean if someone pay a sales tax on a car I can vote? I assume you mean real estate, but over my 42 years I have learned that making assumptions can be a mistake. If so, I could damn near write a book on that issue.

- Term Limits for all of Congress. . . Originally Posted by MrGiz
They have a term limits now. Each of them is elected to one term. Why shouldn't the majority of the voters of a district have the right to rehire a politician if they were doing a good job?

To boot, this would be a disaster. Staff members would become way to powerful, and yet, they would have no accountability.

- No more lifelong pensions for one term served! Originally Posted by MrGiz
US Representatives don't have pensions after one term. You have to be vested with time served. You have to have been elected to 3 terms.

- New amendment to make all of their decisions and laws affect them as equally as any of their constituents... same Health Care , same Social Security , same travel expenses , same tax advantages , same vacation time , same lack of sick-pay , etc. . . Originally Posted by MrGiz
Doesn't bother me one bit, but I can tell you I wouldn't want their job. Its not like they don't work weekends or when they aren't in Congress. I can tell you from first hand experience they are always working. They work most weekends and most holidays. When they aren't in DC they are at parades, meetings, town halls etc etc. No thanks, you can have it.

US Senators are a little different. Since they have to wait 6 years before their next election they get it pretty good for a year. But after that they are working all the time too.

Now, their health care is great. I mean awesome. It comes out of their paycheck, but its part of the same group plan that staffers get . It is greatly reduced for the Congressmen and staffers.

Not sure what you mean my travel expenses. Their job pays their travel. Just like my company pays for my travel. They just have to do it a hell of a lot more than I do.

A US rep generally flys to and from their district each week. When they fly home they have to travel all over their district. Sure some district are confined to one city, but if you are the Rep from Montana you have to travel the state for your job. Most districts have big geographic areas.

- Limit or cut-out all lobbyist political contributions Originally Posted by MrGiz
Lobbyist are limited to their contributions. Just like you and me they can only contribute $2,400 (I am 99% sure that the limit was 2400) to a federal candidates per election. Further, their contribution - like yours or mine - is disclosed.

What is the real sin is the 527's that have popped up that can take unlimited contributions from unknown contributors. Fuck, one billionaire gave 25 million to a 527 supporting Newt Gingrich. (Talk about a hell of a money barn fire!) Thats pennies compared to what others are giving to influence elections.

- Redefine the Washington D.C. definition of an Expense CUT! A "CUT" does not mean a lower rise than planned! Originally Posted by MrGiz
Preach on brother! DC speak is a hell of a lot different than English.

- Put an end to the I.R.S. !! Fair Consumption Tax for all!
- Put an end to The Federal Reserve Banking System.
- Quit printing new money with zero back-up! Originally Posted by MrGiz
OK. Not wild about a federal sales tax because I think it will end up hurting middle class and working people. It could be done fairly though.

The rest? Really don't know much about. I haven't studied the gold standard since high school. I gotta believe there was a reason that we broke away from it though.

- Quit giving billions of U.S. dollars to countries who hate the U.S.! Originally Posted by MrGiz
OK, but that is way to easy to say and much harder in practice.

- Get the fuck out of Afghanistan and protect our own borders! Originally Posted by MrGiz
No shit. We should never deploy our soldiers without a declaration of war. Have we learned nothing from history? Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan etc etc has proven that if there is no clear objective then there will be no clear winner. No winner means we have no idea what the fuck we are fighting for.

- So , so , so much more. . . convince a 100 people to give a fuck. . . and tell them to vote! Originally Posted by MrGiz

To me what is wrong with our country is that we have become way to polarized. No one thinks anymore. If someone doesn't agree with a point they just call the other people names and dismisses them. "You conservative wing nut religious zealot" "You socialist lefty pinko commie". It is so easy to do that. Its intellectually cheap and frankly isn't worthy of elected office. Yet that is who is selecting the nominees and thus that is who our leaders have become.

But I disagree Giz, I think Jefferson is loving this. TJ is up in the big congress in the sky high fiving all the other founders. He wanted a government by the people. We have that. John Adams would be rolling over in his grave for any number of different reasons.
  • MrGiz
  • 03-14-2013, 05:46 PM
I'm fairly Libertarian in my view of a "need" (or lack of) for a Central / Federal Government.
Politicians. . . especially those in Washington, have forgotten who's government it is... it is OURS! They are public servants... working for us... they are our Employees!! Even the President.... he's not my damned boss... I am his!

We do not have a true representative republic... or democracy. There are virtually zero referendums held by/for "The People" in dealing with Federal Spending.

Jefferson would SHIT a Brick, if he was here to witness The Federal Reserve Banking System! The thing is.... Washington isn't spending "real money"... there is no such thing as "real money" anymore! Every dollar printed, makes every other dollar worth less! The entire monetary system is skewed for it's re-election potential.

The current tax system already unfairly screws the middle class and working people... some type of simpler, fair tax would not be more of a burden... my opinion, anyway... you're very welcome to your's.

Call me an isolationist... I don't really care... we give away way too much "money" all over the globe without getting anything in return, except the world's jealousy and hate. Fuck 'Em! We have our own problems and challenges to take care of. It wouldn't or shouldn't be "hard or difficult" at all... what will we lose by it? What? Respect? The utterly useless U.N. General Assembly already votes against U.S. interests roughly 70% of the time... yet, what is our donation? Fuck 'Em!! Yeah... call me an isolationist.

The U.S. will be the world's largest producer of Oil & Natural Gas within a few short years... we are already self-sufficient for our own needs. We only import oil, in order to turn it into fuels that the rest of the world buys from us. If the Federal Government would get their heads out of their asses... we would be further along the road to supplying the world with Natural Gas already. The U.S. doesn't even have one (1) working export facility for LNG. Only one (1) company has even received permission to build... simply fucking incredible!

To hear you explain how hard-working our Congressional "Leaders" are... is sickening to me... THEY DO NOT REPRESENT WHAT I BELIEVE IN! Their primary goal from day one, after getting elected. . . is to get "re-elected". They have a pretty sweet deal. . . and have the ability to make it sweeter, by their own choice!

Four (4) Words. . . Personal Responsibility & Self Reliance !
That is what my parents taught me.

The lack of those four words is what is wrong with "our" country!

There's a lot more to say, but my BP is probably already spiking!
thehighlander's Avatar
The Love of Money is the Root of all Evil

Enough said :P
Wiley64's Avatar
The price of apathy towards public affairs is to be ruled by evil men. Plato

Our number one problem.
ilovedatass's Avatar