Weight loss program

Brmike1963's Avatar
A guy calls a company and orders their 5-day/10-lb. weight loss program. The next day, there's a knock on the door and there stands before him a voluptuous, athletic Lisa Lyonz dressed in nothing but a pair of Nike running shoes and a sign around her neck. She introduces herself as a representative of the weight loss company.

The sign reads,"If you can catch me, you can have me." Without a second thought, he takes off after her.

A few miles later, huffing and puffing, he finally catches her and has his way with her.

Lisa shows up for the next four days and the same thing happens.

On the fifth day, he weighs himself and is delighted to find he has lost 10 lbs. as promised.

He calls the company and orders their 5-day/20-lb. program. The next day there's a knock at the door and there stands Lovely Lolita, She is wearing nothing but Reebok running shoes and a sign around her neck that reads, "If you catch me, you can have me."

Well, he's out the door after her like a shot.

It takes him a while to catch her, but when he does, it's definitely worth every muscle cramp and wheeze. So, for the next four days, the same routine happens. Much to his delight, on the fifth day he weighs himself only to discover that he has lost another 20 lbs. as promised.

He decides to go for broke and calls the company to order the 7-day/50 pound program.

"Are you sure?" asks the representative on the phone. "This is our most rigorous program."

"Absolutely," he replies. "I haven't felt this good in years."

The next day there's a knock at the door; and when he opens it he finds Avarni and Ilovedatass standing there wearing nothing but pink running shoes and a sign around his neck that reads, "If We catch you, you're ass is ours. "

He lost 63 lbs that week!
brownfish's Avatar
thats the most hilarious joke ive ever heard !!!!!!!
And I look good too!! It was not easy out running ILDA and Averni. Excellent Mike!! If you want to get 6-week credit, you will need to give a bit more details in the ROS section for once LLL and LL were caught.
brownfish's Avatar
lol ..it keeps getting better ...
eholiday's Avatar
Lol. I never really stop in the Sandbox and read, but I'm glad I did this evening!
ilovedatass's Avatar
Lmfao !
Here's some actual footage captured by TV10 of us in pursuit

brownfish's Avatar
Old Horn Dog's Avatar
L.T. Watson's Avatar
lol good job
LA Man's Avatar
That's a good laugh! Well worded joke!!!
Arverni's Avatar
It's not gay if it's a three-way!

Something like this actually happened to me once in Chin Hae, South Korea - except I was the one being chased. I got chased by five gay guys who were pissed off at the girl I was with (she was mouthing off to them in a club and I guess in Korea if you're a man you're supposed to control your women). I think I could've taken them - but then I started thinking ... "what exactly is the PENALTY for losing a fight with five gay guys?"

They didn't catch me! LMAO!!
ilovedatass's Avatar
Lol how much did you lose ?
Max Steed's Avatar
Awesome Joke!!
Arverni's Avatar
Lol how much did you lose ? Originally Posted by ilovedatass
Didn't lose any weight but I lost that girl!
Didn't lose any weight but I lost that girl! Originally Posted by Arverni
So was that about 98#