GF Doesn't Realize BF is on vacation

iseeksumfun's Avatar Originally Posted by iseeksumfun
Sorry that happened to ya JD. But think of all the hot chicks here on Eccie you get to meet. Besides they won't drain your bank account like that bitch Em did, just your balls, lol.
tia travels's Avatar
I could see that so easily happening to many folks.
I find it hard to believe that did not have access to his email the entire time. He went to Europe, not freaking Mars. Yes, sometimes even I go for 3-4 days without checking my email, but after 2 weeks, he was just being a douche...

My verdict....he made up the whole thing.
tia travels's Avatar
When you're in Europe, you're there to have fun---to see the countries. Not to be checking emails, phone calls, etc. (<----unless you're there for work reasons) It "is" possible that she may have been a new girlfriend. And thus, why bother checking email...just to see if some new girlfriend wanted to say "I'm missing you?"--especially when he TOLD her he was going to be in Europe for 2 weeks. Had she listened, like he expected her to, then there would be no reason for him to want to check email. After all, didn't he say he told her several times before the trip?

That's what folks do at work when they leave a new voice message saying "I'm out of the office til January 2nd. If there's an urgent matter, please contact John Doe at extension 3921. Otherwise please leave a message and I will return it upon my return."

Basically...that's what he did before he left. He took care of all the possible communication problems. He told him Mom where he was. Told his girlfriend. (And I'm sure his job too). With those taken care of, it ensures him a stress free trip without having to look for a cyber cafe all the time to check messages, or search for a place that sells phone cards that allow him to call home to check phone messages, etc.

Yes it's possible he made up the whole thing for the internet. But its very possible it happened.

I went to Europe many years ago. Told folks where I was going. Maybe just checked in once to let my parents know I arrived safe. After that, I didn't have time to call anyone.
hi Tia_travel,

you a a great guy, because sometimes in the same situation, i don't even call the parents
tia travels's Avatar
I'm hoping (bobo444), you meant I'm a great "gal".
I'd say perhaps 2 weeks without checking emails is a bit of a stretch, but I had a GF who was exactly this chick in the story. I finally had enough 18 months ago, and while I miss the passionate highs, I definitely don't miss the psycho downside of it!

Very entertaining....and a trip down memory lane....