Is It Fair?

SiD's Avatar
  • SiD
  • 12-31-2009, 09:00 PM
I am new to the hobby so, I have questions... but, I think these are fair... The First: Is it fair that I am looking for a provider that has reviews, when I don't have ANY on here? (keep in mind, that this is the ONLY site I belong to! I have looked at ASPD but, obviously they are going away..)

The second question, I read a post on ASPD regarding "birthday discounts" is this true? I ask because my bday is in Jan. not looking forward to it btw..

I have seen two providers in my past.. it has been some time now, longer than 30 days.. but, would like to see one maybe two providers on a regular basis! btw, I do have funny stories about them.. kind of embarrassing on my part, but... if REALLY curious about them please PM me and will tell all.

I do have more questions but for now i'll end this round... So, if Anyone wants to help me out please feel free to do so! lol Have a great New Years!
Well if all of us newbies had to wait till we had reviews to see anyone it would be a long wait.
As long as you have references the ladies will see you.If you don't search for newbie friendly ladies on P411 and elsewhere.Once you have a couple under your belt it's easy sailing. My birthday hasn't come up since I started hobbying so I can't help you with the
2nd question:-)
The Proper Stranger's Avatar
On the first question, I would definitely recommend going for providers with numerous good reviews, especially early on. IMHO the roles of hobbyist and provider are different enough that one side trying to mirror the other doesn't always constitute something truly "fair". Things like safety and reliability are much more important for the most part, and when it comes to fairness, remember you are the customer... just don't be a dick about it.

As a newbie, you would want to stick with someone who has been around a while, has a good reputation and track record, and can help you get started. Lack of reviews and history tend to equal higher risk. If risk is what gets you going, then feel free to jump in with both feet, but be prepared to lose your shirt from time to time. Otherwise, a known provider is the way to go until you have a chance to learn how things should go, develop your resources/resourcefulness, and gain a "hobby sense" of what to do and what not to do.

Going for entrenched providers is also useful when looking for references. If you see a several ladies with no reviews because they're brand new to the business or because they have good reason to avoid scrutiny, their vouch for you may carry less weight than someone who's been around the block and is well known in the community. One good reference is usually better than multiple unknown or bad ones.

As for birthday discounts, I'm sure some providers will chime in. It never hurts to mention it's your birthday, but I'd be a little more subtle about it than "hey, it's my b-day, will you fuck me for $50 less?" Maybe mention you're looking for a good person to spend your birthday with or something when contacting someone you're interested in.

And welcome aboard. I'd say "get out while you still can," but you're apparently already hooked, so just keep your arms and legs inside the car and enjoy the ride!
SiD's Avatar
  • SiD
  • 12-31-2009, 09:55 PM
Great replies on both! and thank you! I would never say "hey, how about a discount because its my birthday!" lol I am hooked in a sense, definitely! And great points about unknown providers, I'm not cheap by any means and the birthday thing... Well, to be honest is that there ARE providers that are out of my "range" and maybe a small discount could put them in my range. Do I sound like a jerk here? lol I really don't mean to! At any rate, the two posts have been very helpful! again, thank you!
Hardly sound like a jerk.There are providers who are definitely out of my range.Hell,they know that when they ask for so much.They are just trying to get a select few men.
I have noticed even those ladies prices come down when the economy goes down.
I never ask for discounts but if they are offered I will accept:-)
keep an eye on the ags here and elsewhere.If the lady is needing to make bucks quick they will sometimes run very good specials.
I see Reese Foster is running a $200 saturday special.thats $100 off her regular rate.
I just may take her up on that:-)
Bestman200600's Avatar
If you stay with the top ladies on this sight you will do well. Be nice to them, pay their regular fees and you will have a very good time.
SiD's Avatar
  • SiD
  • 12-31-2009, 10:45 PM
Thanks for the advice! both! I won't ever complain or nag about prices! and not the type to even suggest a "haggle" lol that's just dumb. I respect women period, so treating them different would be weird for me. Any provider I see will get the same courtesy regardless of price. But, I do know what you are saying!
Hi SiD and Happy Birthday! I'm a January girl myself! GO Capricorns! LOL!

I would also keep in mind (speaking for myself) that SOME of us don't have many reviews at all because we tend to stay a bit UTR. I had reviews on the other site but they were mostly older and I think I have one or two here.

Some of us have been around so long that we don't depend on the reviews, if that makes sense.

In any case, I wish you the very best in your search and if you ever get down Fort Worth way...maybe we could blow out each others birthday candles!
SiD's Avatar
  • SiD
  • 01-01-2010, 11:49 AM
Thanks Nurse! Actually, I am an Aquarius! I'm not really a sign reader... So, not sure if that is a good or bad thing... LOL And I may just take you up on the blowing each others candles out! oh yeah, great info on the reviews perspective!
Guest062512's Avatar
I just gotta say, vnurse is VERY good at blowin' out a birthday candle {{wink}}.
fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 01-01-2010, 06:41 PM
sorry........hit the button twice
fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 01-01-2010, 06:45 PM
Hello Sid, I truly hope you find what you're looking for....just be patient with the ladies...and do a lot of reading and research and you should do just fine...
and I agree with Vnurse on the reviews I have a ton on aspd and just 4 on here....and then if you have any questions about a lady youre interested in seeing, then go to the men's locker room and ask the guys about her, they will certainly give you all the info you need....fawn
Capricorn, matter to me! LOL! The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind...and thank you very kindly Crossroads! You are a doll!

Fawn is will do fine here darlin'...just hang in there!