Common Courtesy- Some Tough Love

PT-109's Avatar
Times have been rough lately: Michael Wayne Jackson got acquitted, Lisa Love’s thing, and a number of posts from bitter misogynists. Some thoughts:

The Golden Rule: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” It’s that simple.

Regardless of your Religion/ Philosophy, you can’t argue with that simple truth (if you want to argue that point, save it for another thread).

Men: Every lady here is someone’s daughter, sister, etc. They’re PEOPLE FIRST, providers second. Treat them with some common decency.

Pain & Anger: We’ve all been hurt one way or the other, some more than others. Women typically respond with tears; men commonly respond with anger.

Men: Don’t take your anger at your X, SO, or whoever out on the ladies. They’re providing a service: Time & Sex. They are NOT free punching bags.

Bitterness: You want to die alone & bitter? Check out Pink Floyd’s The Wall. As Roger Waters so eloquently explained, it’s a pretty miserable experience.

You want to get help? Check out the The Anger Workbook by Carter & Minirth. You HAVE to LET IT GO. If you don’t, it will ravage your soul like the fires of hell.

I’m sure we have some counselors, psychologist, etc. on here. Please feel free to chime in. As for me, “No, I’m not a psychologist; but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night.”

Last Word. You want to rant about white knights? Save it. I’m not white knight, I’m a MAN.
Lana Warren's Avatar
Times have been rough lately: Michael Wayne Jackson got acquitted, Lisa Love’s thing, and a number of posts from bitter misogynists. Some thoughts:

The Golden Rule: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” It’s that simple.

Regardless of your Religion/ Philosophy, you can’t argue with that simple truth (if you want to argue that point, save it for another thread).

Men: Every lady here is someone’s daughter, sister, etc. They’re PEOPLE FIRST, providers second. Treat them with some common decency.

Pain & Anger: We’ve all been hurt one way or the other, some more than others. Women typically respond with tears; men commonly respond with anger.

Men: Don’t take your anger at your X, SO, or whoever out on the ladies. They’re providing a service: Time & Sex. They are NOT free punching bags.

Bitterness: You want to die alone & bitter? Check out Pink Floyd’s The Wall. As Roger Waters so eloquently explained, it’s a pretty miserable experience.

You want to get help? Check out the The Anger Workbook by Carter & Minirth. You HAVE to LET IT GO. If you don’t, it will ravage your soul like the fires of hell.

I’m sure we have some counselors, psychologist, etc. on here. Please feel free to chime in. As for me, “No, I’m not a psychologist; but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night.”

Last Word. You want to rant about white knights? Save it. I’m not white knight, I’m a MAN. Originally Posted by PT-109

Not only are you a MAN, you're a GENTLEMAN! Wished we had more like you on this board! Thank you for you post!
cubsoxbull's Avatar
Pt, Very nice post. The world would be a much better place if we all practiced the values you listed in your post. Thank You !!!

Great post. The Golden Rule is one I've preached for a long time, albeit stated a bit differently. "Treat others as you'd like to be treated." The problem is, some folks don't have the common sense or values to internalize that statement.

At the end of the day, I always ask myself "Could I have done better in my interactions today?" Of course the answer is always yes, because I'm only human.

So when I get up the next day, I tell myself to try and make this a great day not only for me, but for everyone I might come in contact with. Just keeps things much more positive that way.

Respect for one another disregarded far too often...
daltxm4f's Avatar
PT great post. That is my sentiment, although I could not have put it as eloquently as you. Good job!
I could not have said it better myself. VERY NICE!!!! It is sad that "common" Is not so common these days.
A fine sentiment from a REAL Man. If I were wearing a hat, I'd raise it to you.
Int3rested's Avatar
There it is...
Thank you for your post!
TexTushHog's Avatar
I know nothing about the book recommended, but I do know that there are lots of people who need help with anger issues. Here is the link to the book to which the original poster refers:
mikahranae's Avatar
To the OP: Are you really a man? this post and thanks for being such a kind gentleman.
Great post....thank you.
bigmarv's Avatar
Good post Pt-109. I always try to do unto others as I would have them do unto me.
PT-109's Avatar
It's good to know that many of us are on the same page.

TonyP- I like you idea. "Could I have done better in my interactions today?" Personal Accountability. That's awesome.

TushHog- Thanks for the link; I'm Techo-Challenged.

Ladies- Huba-Huba.
cubsoxbull's Avatar
PT, Had to bring this one back to the top.