Get a Life

I’ve been a member of several “whore” boards over the years and I’ve witnessed all of them declining steadily. I’ve decided I finally had enough!

This will be my first, last, and only post on Eccie. I hope everyone enjoys reading it as much as I enjoy posting it.

No doubt, I will seem insensitive, mean-spirited, and having some sort of agenda. It isn’t my intention. I actually don’t have an intention. I’m just going to post what’s been on my mind and my opinion since I’ve been in this hobby world. I’m sure many of you have thought the same thing and have the same opinion I have, but were afraid to post anything due to backlash or being banned.

Who do I begin with?

Fubar: Dude, you’re an idiot, for lack of a better word. You act as if you’re a gift from the Gods to all the hookers. No one cares who you’ve met, who you’ve “been” with or what stripper you’ve turned into a prostitute. Does it give you some sense of power to withhold contact information about a provider? Should all of the hobbiest beg for ‘exclusive’ information about a new girl? Napoleon Syndrome!

Fawn, Lana Warren, V-Nurse, Sunny Jackson, Dharma, Honey Rose, Rainy C (whatever you’ve changed your name to now), Sweet Heather, Loving Kayla, Shea Veile, Reese Foster, Truly Summer: None of you are MILFS! Stop with all of the “motherly” advice. Being bitter and jealous of the younger, thinner, and prettier providers is not an attractive trait. You may have a small niche in the business, but really, how long do you want to continue being a hooker? Your old, bitter asses need to retire!

Hot Lips Houlihan: You’re a real class act. In every one of your posts, you’re either ranting about something or someone or you’re looking for a handout. Have a little dignity and class and maybe you wouldn’t have to beg for business or clients. Also, update the pictures from 1982.

Berkleigh: Are you really the coolest provider in Dallas? It’s funny how we build ourselves up in our own mind. You’re a short, chubby, average looking girl. You’re not funny and you’re not cool. We’re sick of all the pictures where your lips are puckered up – it’s not cute.

Marissa of Dallas and Crazy for Lisa Love: Drama, drama, drama and it’s never your fault. You two loons need some professional help.

JR Ewing 03: We know you love the new Latinas and how they love coming to your compound. So what!

Juan Pablo de Marco, Sir Lancelot, Torito, and Raku Guy: You’re not the authority on Asian women. I wouldn’t brag about going to every AMP this side of Korea. The women that work there don’t care about you. You’re their meal ticket and green card.

Speaking of Asian women – Yoko: Great TUMA and AMP-like service. All of her WK’s that post reviews of her list her age as mid to late 20’s. Please guys, Yoko looks atleast 40. I know all of you can’t be blind. She’s been in the business for years, looks over 40, smokes, and has bad teeth.

Hana & Jackie: Their pictures are extremely airbrushed and they don’t look remotely anything like their glamour shots. AMP robots.

Victoria Lane: The pictures and reviews don’t match the experience. She was a large “woman” with an ok face. Prominent facial features and neither elegant or refined.

Syeira Pink, Marielynn: She doesn’t come close to looking like a model. Washed up stripper is more like it.

Moderators: Would your family and friends be proud of your accomplishment of moderating a “whore” board? Seriously, it’s not a job. You’re losers!

P411: It’s not as discreet and safe as you think. Much of your information has been sent to LE.

To all of the hobbyist, you’re paying for pussy. Any whore will treat you like you’re the only one and make you feel special if you have enough money to give. Don’t be stupid.

Whew …… that felt good!
Lana Warren's Avatar
I'm so glad you feel better! Now here's some motherly advise..........STFU! LOL!
Lana Warren's Avatar
Ok, that might not have been the most ladylike response, so I do apologize! I for one, refuse to stoop to your level! You obviously have some major issues with the people of this board and I'm sorry that you feel the need to come on here and rant, but it is your right to do so! I really hope that you find happiness down whatever road you decide to take!
"If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands!" ...

"If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands!".....

hobbylove? Why aren't you clapping?
( ...if you're happy and you know it, then your posts will surely show it.... )

So the OP registered today just to get that off his chest? Gimme a break. Sounds like someone needs to get laid more and worry about the other members less!
Damn, you mean providers only see me for the money?

I had convinced myself it was just my good looks and irresistible charm.
krusty's Avatar
My guess is previously banned member going scorched earth...
travelling_man's Avatar
Don't feed the troll. All he wants is a response. Let's show him what we think by NOT responding to this and letting it fall to page 10 before anyone even sees it.
I don't really know most of the people hobbylove00 is talking about because Eccie and the hobby do not dominate my life like a lot of people on this board, but the dude makes some valid points.

1. There are a lot of douche bags on Eccie who think they are really special. A lot of people on Eccie need to chill out and not take this shit so seriously...relax.

2. MILF is used way too much.

I'm sure people get caught up in the hobby, which leads them to forget who they are and what they are actually doing, paying for sex. I think plenty of people need some perspective and probably need to sit down and engage in some self-reflection.
rex4998's Avatar
cubsoxbull's Avatar
[quote=hobbylove00;332435]I’ve been a member of several “whore” boards

I must admit, you are very talented ,considering you can type a long letter
with your head up your arse.

  • T-Can
  • 06-03-2010, 09:35 AM
I'm jealous!
Life is WAY to short to have such ill feelings. Sip some good vino, hopefully it will help you feel better.
funny that his handle is HOBBYLOVE. anyone else find that ironic?
TexRich's Avatar
I'm kinda of disappointed I wasn't part of his rant, I really have lost my touch. LOL