Providers, what's your twitter?

trapperkeeper2000's Avatar
Providers, do you have a twitter account? Obviously I'm talking about one for hobbying, not your real world one.

If you do please post them here, I'd love to follow you.
Hi - Glad I found this post. I didn't want to start my own thread - lest I be accused of the dreaded threAD. I have, however, wanted to know if the community members here have twitter accounts coz I just set mine up. I did so, in the hopes I could have a more immediate way of talking about my availability, since I have a fairly hectic "real world" schedule.
I also thought it would be a better ( ie: more friendly/ casual) way to interact since things around here seem a lil ..umm... dramatic lately :/
Oh well - here goes the twitter experiment!! Find me @TheEveAdams
Best wishes to all oxoxox EVE
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