Ladies Do You Dig Behind The Do Not See Lists From Providers

I was reading a touring provider website and she mentions if you cancel your appointment she will list you on the national black list Needless to say no thanks. However, it got me to thinking on how many gents are on the National Black List for BS reasons like this. I call it BS because I am sure we all have had to cancel for whatever reason. So ladies just curious do you do more fact finding or take the NBL as solid gold. Is the bar that low for NBL ? geez
That sounds like Nicolet. (No offense girl, but most of them in NOLA are from you for NCNS and I dont agree with your decision to post them all there)

I see it this way~ you guys are fitting me into the tightest spot you possibly can, hoping that nothing in your personal life changes until you get to see me.... Life is bound to happen sometimes..... I take it with a grain of salt the first time, sometimes even the second if the guy was cool about it. The third is what gets you on MY Do Not See List, but if you arent a danger to other girls, I dont see a point in posting about you.
I agree with Little Miss, sometimes RW stuff crops up and someone has to cancel. I respect a gent for giving me a heads up rather than NCNS. If I feel respected then I will attempt to schedule again. If no danger is done, why post or put someone on a list. Lots of other things are more alert worthy. To each her own though.

Btw, Thatdude........BALLS!
I wanna be on Kendall's must see list.
I wanna be on Kendall's must see list. Originally Posted by Von Spieler

Get in line Von!!.. I'm still trying to make that list..
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Guess that I should be embarrassed but I rarely look at those lists. In the past, there was a list that is now defunct, and I used to view it all of the time. It never kept me from getting in trouble or in a negative situation. But I know that it helps others.

In the years that I've been a sex worker, I've only posted on the National Blacklist site twice. And both were for a pretty bad reason.

But if a guy just doesn't show, like the little prick who stood me up this morning and I've seen him before, and he didn't call, I get really annoyed but I just shrug it off.

It's like so many women who just start screaming Chicken Little if a guy asks for bbfs. It's not a big deal. Men ask. And most of the time when they DO ask, they're very polite about it. Just say no.

NCNS's are a part of this business. An occupational hazard, if you will. I do understand if a lady gets upset because it IS upsetting but again, not sure how alert worthy it is. Unless it's a huge pattern.

It's a lot different if they're holding you down and taking off the condom. When that happens, it's alert worthy, imo.

So many women will run screaming like little kittens with issues that I consider minor. Sorry if I've offended anyone.

I feel that a blacklist should only be for those who were violent, acted so stupid that they need to be on that list, or really ripped you off.

When a guy calls and cancels, like the OP mentioned above, I'm grateful that he called! Agitated if it's last minute but at least he called.
Well said, Elizabeth. There are very few reasons I would report a client. Ordinary but irritating things happen on both sides and that's just how life is. Those lists should be for serious issues but because there are so many BS reports, the Chicken Little providers have ruined the dependability of the lists. I don't bother with them because of that reason.

Kind of like the 'alerts" section. There are so many ads and "look-at-me" posts that I rarely even look there anymore.

Besides, one provider's experience may not be the same as another's. I have a few regular clients that had alerts posted about them but they've always been perfect clients with me.
EmilyEzzell's Avatar
Cancellations are not alert worthy imo. Or black list worthy.

I have cancelled. Gents have cancelled. It's life, stuff happens.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Ditto with the other ladies, especially EW.

NBL is only as good as the reputation of the provider who reported the offense, and since many do so anonymously, will include little relevant info and/or are just plain nebulous, and evidently some are using it vindictively, well, grain of salt.
If a gentlemen calls to cancel -or doesn't call- to cancel, then I don't see why ladies would put him on the NBL. Now if a guy does something really bad to you, then YES by all means alert us, and put him on the NBL...
I agree with E.W. too many ladies put gentlemen on there just to be vendictive because a session went wrong, or he was going to say something bad about you. Just because YOU had a bad session, doesn't mean the next lady will. Maybe the 2 of you didn't click, maybe he or she wasn't focused on the session at hand. Many reasons could factor into the equasion.Ladies we should be more carful who we blacklist. I have a guy on blacklist, because he schedules with you, comes into your home, and gropes you, and says he left his $$ in the car and runs out and leaves... BTW, that was before I began screening, and doing due process..As you progress in the hobby life, you will learn little things here and there that will become useful to you... You are never to old to learn... Just my 2 cents worth...Melissa012
Roothead's Avatar
Ms. Kendall4U.... I am sure you know this but... your profile pic looks like that girl-next-door MaryAnn from Gilligan's Island..... I was so friggen hot for her, more so than Ginger...
Guest091314's Avatar
The only way I would post someone on a alert for a ncns is if it was multiple times, if it got to multiple times then I must be stupid.
Jaci's Avatar
  • Jaci
  • 10-03-2012, 01:26 AM
I hate to say it but if shes putting gentlemen on the blacklist for a cancellation I would
hate to know what else she might be capable of!!!!
Shit Happens with us as providers and the gentlemen who hobby!!!!
**** Its life!!! I live in the real world dont you??****
Thatdude, I may look at the list but then I use my owe judgement about the guy. I think some ladies would just out a guy cause he went and seen another provider. I dont even believe it is right to tell a guy if you see so and so dont see me. I read some of the alerts and I just shake my head and think why did you do this to him. We all have to cancel at one time or another rather if it is in the hobbyland or the real world it is part of life things come up and plans get changed. I have put you and others on my MDL ( Must do list)
Grace Preston's Avatar
That sounds like Nicolet. (No offense girl, but most of them in NOLA are from you for NCNS and I dont agree with your decision to post them all there)

I see it this way~ you guys are fitting me into the tightest spot you possibly can, hoping that nothing in your personal life changes until you get to see me.... Life is bound to happen sometimes..... I take it with a grain of salt the first time, sometimes even the second if the guy was cool about it. The third is what gets you on MY Do Not See List, but if you arent a danger to other girls, I dont see a point in posting about you. Originally Posted by LittleMiss
While I agree that its WAY over the top to list someone on the NBL for cancellations.. did you HONESTLY just out someone for their posts on NBL? Holy lack of discretion, Batman. Whether you agree with her posts or not, do you honestly think it is OK to mention if, when, where, why, or what a lady posts in an area that is supposed to be designed for our safety?

As far as I go, I consider the source of the complaint and the nature of the complaint in relation to the rest of their online history. There are many gents who many ladies won't see whom I get along with fabulously. It's all relative.