After Christmas Sales (Not)

Wally8201's Avatar
I frequent 3 different clubs (Treasures, Centerfolds, and Splendor's), and I notice a drop off in customers, which in turn seems to be the likely cause of some of my favorite dancers being absent (or coming in late). I guess the VIP rooms may still be pulling their weight though. But, with less customers, there are less tips for waitresses and for dancers on the floor. And, with less dancers, there is less tip-out money for the DJ's and clubs. Is it the same at other clubs?
yes the clubs i go to are usually slow to dead anywhere from 2 -15 customers its called a Recession. If the recession is over why are we still talking about it ? I hit usually 3-4 clubs myself
Houston economy is doing well. Most every January there is a drop off in the entertainment/restaurant industry because bills from Christmas are now due.
@wally- I visit the same clubs and haven't noticed a huge drop off, but was up a St James a few weeks ago and it was pretty busy (not a regular there so not sure if it was more or less busy than normal)
Wally8201's Avatar
Both Splendor's and Treasures have new dancers. I cannot speak for Centerfolds since I have not been by there since before Christmas.
Ritz was slow-ish Sunday night even though playoffs were on TV and Monday holiday. BTW, smokin hot Cuban Ro** is worthy of a visit. Says OTC, got digits, maybe later this week I will test drive.
It's about to get better tax time around the corner