this mile higher got screwed

I found this on google while searching for clubs and stuff etc...

The Truth about The Mile High Club, *READ ALL THE REVIEWS AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS PAGE FIRST BEFORE YOU READ WHAT THE CLUB PAYS THE ADVETRISES TO KEEP THE GOOD POSTITIVE REVIEWS ON TOP OF THE LIST ALWAYS Its a small club inside and looks very cheap and poor from the small chairs and lack of room and tables to sit at dont forget to look UP at the horrile ceiling and rafters and the holes patched in it also you can see the ac ducts and barely feel any ac or heat during winter time. A busy night will hold you about 15 customers total the reason being is that everyone is sitting at there own table which doesnt leave any room for anyone else to sit at.Dances are done along a sidewall where everyone can see you and sit next to you which is terrbile and distburing there is NO privacy at all and you will feel uncomfortable. The girls are always on there cell phones even while dancing for you its my boyfriend can you hold on please she said to me one time. The girls are 3-5 mostly and Country type heavy and large girls mostly in the 150-200 pounds range of dancers. The waitress's are JUST as LARGE and BIG so ya its a BIG GIRL club if your into that stuff. Speaking of waitress's STAY FAR AWAY from the waitress's in here and the clubs customer service a complete joke. I orderd champagne and they didnt have any whipped cream and strawberrys to serve and had no cheese n crackers either which is common for this type of service that the club lacks in. Speaking of the food its below par and should be taken away ive ordered other food before but couldnt have it becuase they didnt have any bread and other sauces and salad dressing they have to go out and shop for it depending on the customer how much money you spend and if they have the time ( they have lots of time the club is seriously SLOW and avergaes 1-2 customers a night 3 if there lucky!!! Therer is NO General Manager ( GM) of the club the mgmt is to scared to step up to the plate becuase there afraid of losing there job the owner has full control and has no control over anyone in the club at all he might show up 1 time a month is all He also owns Joy of houston ( another joke of a club).Mgmt or better word LACK Of mgmt is just aweful and terrible and horrible you will be treated below human being standards and have and get no respect or anything at all from them and there not willing to listen to any issues or problems you have and will not resolve them at all they just plain out ignore you and walk away as if you never were alive or human. The club has has a few issues of customers beating up on girls inside the club a few times has lilttle security and Metal Detectors which ALL other clubs do for the Saftey of the CUSTOMERS. always put the CUSTOMER First, they dont do it at Mile High. A man was shot in the parking lost at the club heres the link for it…. This club is not safe and the people that work there are and can be shady. Girls have told me if you get fired from here and you want to get re-hired you MUST pay mgmt $500 in cash to get you your job back. Mgmt has been known to tips the girls ons tage and among other rthings with them in VIP while working and drinking on the job as well being drunk and stupid sexual stuff.......This was all done behind the horrible black cloth curtain in the so called VIP room which has no Privacy either and is OVERPRICED for the lack of no Privacy at all.
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