The year has started off great for me!

I have lost a total of 25 pounds since the beginning of January.

Working out everyday has become a big part of my life!

Im so happy!!!

Just wanted to share
Congratulations, that's a nice achievement. Keep up the good work.
randomguy2010's Avatar
Don't forget to show off your toned self later on ;-)
Great job...
happy the clown's Avatar
Good job sweetie. Wish I could do the same.
aggietigger's Avatar
awesome... whats your secret? walking, riding a bike, sports?
Ranchhand's Avatar
Good for you, glad to hear it. Unlike a lot of folks, I have the opposite problem. If I lost 25 lbs you wouldnt be able to find me. Ranch
david1978's Avatar
Good job, Aria! Keep it up.
My secret.... Ive been seeing a hot 22 year old in town for a while now. He keeps me wanting more heh heh. Not to mention he works out everyday so it makes me want to work out too.

Im addicted to my hot ass friend.
Great job! Can't wait to see you again!