TNA Board

darkroot50's Avatar
I travel to the Seattle-Tacoma area a few times a year. I've noticed that the ECCIE Seattle board is lightly used. Most post are only occasionally read and rarely are there replies to questions. There are reviews but discussions are at best infrequent (certainly compared to other boards here). I chose the national board for this reason.

I'd heard of TNA but never spent any time looking at the site. A few days ago I joined TNA because there seemed to be a lot of ads for the Seattle-Tacoma area. I also noticed that ISO's got replies and there was an active discussion board.

I don't know the reviewers or posters on TNA so I'm wondering how legit the site is? Are the reviews to be trusted or are the providers self reviewing? I would prefer to rely on ECCIE but for the PNW it just isn't robust enough. But if you have experience with TNA I'd like to know what you think.

Any comments or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
That site is HIGHLY used in the area. You have to look past the stickies to find the current ads. Then you have to assume the ladies that paid for the stickies are always currently available.
pyramider's Avatar
The question is can you rely on any review?
Yes, you can rely on the reviews. I know some of the ladies up there who have traveled to our neck of the woods over the years. Also a smaller more intimate board up there is the
GAMarky Mark's Avatar
I am in the area and yes you find it far better used than the ECCIE. It is far more active and give people a lil more leeway on what can be posted and shown. In fact you will see a number of the girls can post a lot of ad pic. You have to do your work to get in and accepted by a lot of the girls but I find it quite good. You have to go where the girls are and they are not on the Seattle or WA site on here.
RandB fan's Avatar is not a working site
darkroot50's Avatar
The question is can you rely on any review? Originally Posted by pyramider
That's true. But I'd have to say that I've found the reviews here to be pretty reliable. But YMMV is true no matter how good the site is.
darkroot50's Avatar
Thanks for all the comments. I'll have to sped some time looking at ads and reviews but at least there are a lot to choose from.
I am in New Orleans, where Eccie is a major resource for me. When I travelled to Portland, I realized the same thing. Since I had posted in the Eccie welcome and ML up there a month ahead of time, I quickly realized another board we likely being used. So I also found TNA. Joined and linked threads between the two site. I also contacted providers that were on both. Until I met the first provider (and she was on both boards) and posted a review on TNA, the response on TNA was slow for me. After, I was able to meet some nice ladies while I was in town. Guess they were being cautious, which is a good thing. Basically, be sure to get things started ahead of your visit. You should be OK.
Tushay0's Avatar
I know old revived threads are discouraged, but I wanted to point out, for the Pacific Northwest folks and folks-to-be, TheHobbyHunter is gone, and just recently it seems TNA has been nuked; a very sudden (*days ago*) demise with no information to look at. At least *eye* don't know what/where an explanation might be.

ben dover's Avatar
Almost 9 years dormant, how do you even fund these?
TinMan's Avatar
I’m interested in learning what happened to these sites. Any news would be appreciated. I visited neither, but always good to know what is happening to SHMBs around the country so we can figure out if it’s likely to happen here, too.
winn dixie's Avatar
vBulletin Message
After dealing with a hacking situation we are currently underway to build a new secure system. We are sorry about this unexpected inconvenience. Please check back soon!
Tushay0's Avatar
Yep, spotted that note today as well. Thanks WD