Hey Deb the MILF, the words of Noam Chomsky

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Commie bastard and walking hemorrhoid Noam Chomsky (a personal favorite of Deb) was looking some attention so he claims that Ronald Reagan was an extreme racist. Forgetting that Bill Clinton said that Obama should be serving him coffee instead of running for president.

So DEB, still want to profess your love for this man? By the way, he thinks your a racist too because you're white.

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-13-2014, 05:42 AM
This was thread worthy?
LexusLover's Avatar
This was thread worthy? Originally Posted by WTF
By the "apparent" standards set by "others" .. above worthy.

And I'm not sure what it's all about!!!!!
This was thread worthy? Originally Posted by WTF
If JDIdiot (and his cousin Trendy) only started "worthy" threads, they would never start a thread.
Guess Deb wouldn't let him fuck her.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-13-2014, 08:54 AM
JD don't fuck women! He has his sights on COGay

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Why do you think I would want to fuck Deb? There is something about a woman's intelligence (not that you would agree EVA) that is a turn on. Deb doesn't have it.
Why do you think I would want to fuck Deb? There is something about a woman's intelligence (not that you would agree EVA) that is a turn on. Deb doesn't have it. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
So you are just interested in mind fucking.
Ole Nom doesn't realize that in his "utopian world of socialism", Guys like me would be living in our "Dacha's on the Volga, and his ass would be digging potatoes in the Gilag.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Ole Nom doesn't realize that in his "utopian world of socialism", Guys like me would be living in our "Dacha's on the Volga, and his ass would be digging potatoes in the Gilag. Originally Posted by Jackie S
I think his ass would be fertilizing potatoes and nothing more.
Hey Deb... Should we turn the camera off?

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Why do you think I would want to fuck Deb? There is something about a woman's intelligence (not that you would agree EVA) that is a turn on. Deb doesn't have it. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Truth be told, you wouldn't have a clue whether a woman was intelligent.

Great thread, by the way. You've managed to author another thread picking on another poster for no relevant reason.

Bullying women probably raises your esteem in the eyes of some who've posted in this thread though. Make you feel like a big man?
Truth be told, you wouldn't have a clue whether a woman was intelligent.

Great thread, by the way. You've managed to author another thread picking on another poster for no relevant reason.

Bullying women probably raises your esteem in the eyes of some who've posted in this thread though. Make you feel like a big man? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

You are being choked by Imperialists... Shit Eater

Yssup Rider's Avatar
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
What is the point of taking a random cheap shot at Deb? She's gorgeous, thoughtful, and trying to make some sense out of the insanity prevalent in government and society; too much of said insanity many here support and promote. She's a great lady!