It has come to my attention

It has come to my attention that you, offshoredilling, said you met me at the Allen Club the one time I checked it out (anybody can see that from my aspd posts) and that my old ASPD avatar is not me. By the way those ARE my legs and they are my 50+ year old legs at that. So, Offshore, I am calling you on this publicly. I don't appreciate you interfering with my service and wonder if you are just trying to be a big man with the boys or someone put you up to this. Please don't say you have me confused with someone else. No one else has the name summerwaves and no other escort here had that avatar as it is only my own.

I've never met you and I don't appreciate the lies, especially that my behavior was bad and if you had a wife like myself you would not need to hobby. You wouldn't know. I've never met you and I wouldn't be caught dead doing anything inappropriate in a public place or leaving with a stranger from the Allen Club.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
I did meet you at the AC that one time you where there. Mailman gave you my AC nick name that is not the same as my handle. It did not go beyone "hi nice to meet you" I have never said that was not you in your old avatar. By the way they do look nice. I also do not remember ever saying you have a bad behavior. As a matter in fact I have enjoyed the few times we have made contact. Even if it was never in person again. In the past you would have done well there. But the AC for some time has not been the place it once was. And you are to much of a lady for what it was that one time or now. )will edit with more ok back from phone)I still go to the AC but no longer take any providers out from there. I go to watch the hockey(and others) games and meet male freinds for talk over a drink. I have quoted you as to the bar in star wars. Not sure what this is about, Not sure if I do or do not want to know. Hope you have a nice day.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Been looking at my old posts. I can not find anything I have said bad about her. If any know of one can you post or pm a link. I would like to know if I am guilty or not myself. I know that in the past, we do not agree on some subjects. If form another site of the 3 that I am on, the reborn one I have logged in but do not have BCD anymore. PM text. thanks

this is bothering me and do not know why
We have a turf in the punchbowl
The place was practically empty when I was in there......5 people and not a woman one knew who I was or my name and I did not offer it to anyone nor did I ask anyone their name. Unless you are the transvestite who was trying to pick up my guy buddy, I didn't talk to you and come to think of it, I didn't talk to the transvestite either or anyone else.

You have me mistaken with someone else. I don't know mailman and I don't know any of your other names. I don't know who you are. I have spoken to you only through this message board. I only want to set this straight. It was not me you met and those are my legs! If you met me, you would know that.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
I only want to set this straight. It was not me you met and those are my legs! If you met me, you would know that. Originally Posted by summerwaves
Ok if you say I never met you. Then I never met you. Not sure why this would bother you so much. And I repeat I HAVE NEVER SAID THAT WAS NOT YOU IN THE AVATAR. And yes your legs look nice.

Strange that you say for me what you told me not to say.

And no I am not the transvestite. If I was I would not wear the dark granny dress's that he wears. I would go for lighter brighter color to offset the grey in my beard. KFC in a dresssorry Col. S had to.
Hope you have a good night.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Oh I forgot, There have been 2 that have used the name summer in the AC in the past. But you are right not one summerwaves. One was a blonde, and very smart. Other light brown but was, well fitting to all blonde jokes. And you are the one and only summerwaves on the web.
edr1322's Avatar
Summer I really believe you should lighten up on Off been on boards a long time and have read many of Offs threads.and have never read any thing bad said about you. I say put up a thread link to this [Staff edit: section deleted at request of poster]. Off is well respected here and other boards. Off thanks for passing on your experiences to us. Just my 2 pennies. ED
edr1322's Avatar
Off by the way do you ware stockings and heels with your dress. LMFAO ED
offshoredrilling's Avatar
nope I do not ware stockings. To lazy to shave my legs. Hell I'm to lazy to shave my face. And after where I use to go to get hair done, owner retired. I can not find a good place so just let it grow. Any provider doing haircuts I will pay for the cut done in the nude. No BCD so review will have no unwanted detail. please give price.

As for high heals. I love how it makes a women's leg look with the stockings. But dam, how do they do it. If you like them girls, wear them. But keep the hat and stockings on. You can wear snickers with the stocking if you want.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 03-28-2010, 09:43 AM
Sounds like maybe mailman simply misspoke in suggesting the girl he was pointing out to OSD was summerwaves?
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Na he dos not even know what a computer looks like. She says it must have been another women I met. Then the mistake is mine. He met a lady from someone that met that lady over the computer. That lady also came to the AC once. And with a friend. It could have been another. I do not see how it would be a bother to her, or interfer with her service. But it is per her. Could have PM me to say you are mistaken.

The parts where she thinks I have said it was not her in the avatar and bad behavior. I have no idea what is up with that. All I can say now was both 5x. Both looked good. And both where nice. Both miss the right time to find the AC and where to lady like for when they did go.
This is an issue between OSD and Summer. I would suggest that you move this discussion to PM's and keep it off the board, and avoid all of the unnecessary Drama that will be involved with it by it being viewed in public... for now, and unless i am advised otherwise... i will lock this as it is between two people...