Time for a touchy one

GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 03-03-2010, 11:55 AM
I am probably going to get completely shit on for what I am about to say and suggest, but that is ok. I am still going to approach this in a polite manner. I also want to add that I personally know that I am not the only person who feels this way, but most are afraid to speak up on such subjects. I am not.


I read somewhere... I can't find it now or remember where it was, but it said something along the lines that mods were supposed to be active in and contribute to the discussion in the areas in which they moderate. LAP contributes most in upstate NY by far (Even if he is from Texas LOL). Eli comes in second, but does not contribute nearly as much as he did when he was on the other site. gfeJunkie is barely ever around. He spends more time in other areas of the site, but almost never contributes here. Jbonz is almost completely absent and non contributing. This is nothing personal guys. Just look at your statistics and last post dates.

Now I am sure we have all heard the "we have lives in The Real World" and I am sure we understand that.

But here is what I propose to the administration/owners of the board. You are obviously free to take it or leave it. You can even tell me to STFU if you like.

Inactive mods should step down and make room for ACTIVE members to step up to the plate. I feel this is the morally proper thing to do. I can think of a quite a few LOCAL upstate members who are active and would fill the positions quite nicely.

I also think upstate would benefit from having a mod from each big city. One from each Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse and Albany.

I propose gfejunkie and jbonz step down as mods for upstate. I propose LAP, since he is an admin, take his name off as a mod (since he has admin anyways). I then propose that Eli REMAIN a mod for his city. I then propose the administration appoint 3 new mods for the remaining cities. I personally am not interested so don't even go there.

Now I am going to go out on a limb here and even suggest that one of our lovely local providers be named a mod for the ladies section and co-ed section as well.

I think I conveyed this message as politely as I could. I also think I made some good points. Hopefully this will get taken into consideration. Now let the flaming begin

I suppose if anyone agrees or disagrees with me, feel free to let it be known.
MajorHands's Avatar
I don't have an opinion either way, but you presented your case in a very civil manner. Agree or disagree, but I can't see anything flame-worthy in the post.
Don't you worry one bit about getting flamed, my friend. There's plenty of merit in what you are saying.

Many of the mod assignments get made with what we have to work with at the time, and as the board grows we fill in wherever additional staff is needed. While it's not always possible, you need to know that we always PREFER having the metro-locations staffed by local folks. While gfe's and LAPs efforts have been greatly appreciated here in New York, please know that these assignments have been temporary and will likely be dropped as we add local help. They've got their hands full in their own local areas. As for jbonz's inactivity here, you'll have to ask him directly...I can't speak for him and I don't know the answer......but what I will tell you is that you are correct....our real world lives will always take priority over the board stuff....so it's more than likely that could be his explanation.

So, with all that said, lend us a hand! Make some nominations. Shoot Eli an email with some names and he'll communicate back to us and the process begins. Who do we wanna see moderating in Upstate New York, guys and girls?? Now's the chance to have your voice heard on the subject.

St. C
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 03-03-2010, 12:16 PM
I am very happy to hear that you are willing to take input on this subject from us peons in upstate

HOWEVER... I don't know if it would be in the best interest of the board to open this upto to a completely democratic process. Maybe partially, but not totally. It could just turn into a popularity contest. But do not worry, I will definitely let it be known who I think should and should not be a moderator.

Buffalo: Jack or Montana
Rochester: NormalBob or ?
Syracuse: Eli remains
Albany: ?

Provider Mod: Hanna or Chloe or Faith

Not trying to snub anyone, but a lot of you guys do not list a specific location, so I am not sure which cities to associate some of you with.
LOL....you're right, sir. The decision is ultimately ours to make, but it sure helps in narrowing the search to hear the different local opinions out there on who may fit the bill, and why.

St. C
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 03-03-2010, 12:54 PM
Who do we wanna see moderating in Upstate New York, guys and girls?? Now's the chance to have your voice heard on the subject.

St. C Originally Posted by St.Christopher
Come on Guys and Gals. You heard the man. Lets hear what you have to say.
Thanks GP for the mention but I cast my vote for Jack as the Buffalo mod. Once it gets out that I have seen some escorts, my campaign will be over. I can still remain active in our WNY recruitment program though.
GP - I'm voting for you unless you remove that "Irish wrist watch" phrase. Everytime I see it, I have to try and say it and I'm toungue-tied!! WTF
brutusbluto's Avatar
Did somebody mention flaming....
youngatheart's Avatar
Good work GP!! Glad to see someone is paying attention and looking out for us. Also nice to know the staff is aware and interested in resolving the issue.
Well right now our top candidate is a guy that lives in Butte, Montana. Very nice guy, and he did visit NYC briefly when he was 6. Any other candidates?

St. C

PS. here's a picture of his hometown.
Hey I know that place. Ok either him or Jack get my vote.
brutusbluto's Avatar
Is Jack even interested?
I had a busy afternoon (work and then play) and missed all the chatter. I am flattered to be even mentioned as a possible mod. I don't particularly seek such an assignment. Without closing any doors, I'd hope others would be approached or would step up as well.
gfejunkie's Avatar
Does this mean I'm not welcome to pay a visit to Rochester/Buffalo in a couple of months? Darn! Those airline tickets are non-refundable too.
