Now Im curious

skater2's Avatar
After reading over GP's thread questioning Moderators in Upstate forum, which I see is now locked. We suddenly are down to 2 mods. Whats the deal?

The short answer is maybe it is time to find some new fresh moderators with a different perspective on the hobby. Both Eli and jbonz have done a terrific job and they have told me they will continue to be valuable members, just in a different capacity.

Make sure you take some time to thank both of them for their hard work and be here to encourage new moderators when they come on board.

Limerick's Avatar
I have been with this board/community and it's various iterations for over 6 years now. I have seen moderators come and I have seen them go. Some very good, some really, really bad.

In my humble opinion, the strength and participation of the WNY forum is in no small part due to the strength of our moderators over the last few years, specifically jb, Eli and LAP.

Eli and jb, thanks for your hard work and best of luck to you both.
edr1322's Avatar
Eli & Jbonz sorry to see you go as mods thanks for great job. Ed
I exchanged messages with Eli just a few days ago with no indication that this was about to occur.

We owe Eli and JBonz our deep gratitude for their service and hope that we will continue to benefit from their presence and participation here.
I'm hoping that things got a little raw and with a little distance, Eli and JB will rescind their resignations.

As I've said in open forum and in PMs, I don't see a problem with this board being "under-moderated".

If someone could give a specific example of what a "better" moderator would have done that would have led to the board being improved, I might be able to understand the tempest.

As of now, can't we all just get along?



Both, please reconsider.
brutusbluto's Avatar
Eli & Jbonz both deserve kudos for the great job they did not only for the work they did here, but on the other board as well. Thank you both for a job well done. I truly hope that we can still look forward to input on the board from you both!
I agree jymie..they should also receive kudos...they always did a fine job on ASPD. I just sent a message to Eli. Thanks again guys!
  • jbonz
  • 03-09-2010, 07:07 PM
Well, don't anyone feel sorry for us. While I can't speak for Eli, I will say that the boards (the previous one included) have been a godsend while I was growing in the hobby. Now however, I know exactly what I want, pretty much where to get it, and to be honest, don't have as much need as I once did to rely on the boards. So, don't be surprised if I don't post much or interact as much as I once did. These boards need youth to grow and I'm sure with the next round of administration will get the staff that is needed. They also need new young members to fill the ranks and I think a younger more in tune staff will help with that growth. So once again, thanks for the compliments but fret not, Eli and I will be just fine!

Well, don't anyone feel sorry for us. While I can't speak for Eli, I will say that the boards (the previous one included) have been a godsend while I was growing in the hobby. Now however, I know exactly what I want, pretty much where to get it, and to be honest, don't have as much need as I once did to rely on the boards. So, don't be surprised if I don't post much or interact as much as I once did. These boards need youth to grow and I'm sure with the next round of administration will get the staff that is needed. They also need new young members to fill the ranks and I think a younger more in tune staff will help with that growth. So once again, thanks for the compliments but fret not, Eli and I will be just fine!

--jb Originally Posted by jbonz
You're a class act sir!

You're a class act sir!

LAP Originally Posted by lickalotapus
I agree! Both Eli and Jbonz are class acts. Thank you both, for your efforts and time that you've put in. Although it's your decision to make, we all know you won't be too far away keeping an eye on us.

  • Chloe
  • 03-09-2010, 11:55 PM
Jbonz said it right!! I post a lot trying to grow. I was one of the nominees but I know both my downfalls and positives to weigh.

1. I am a provider, putting emphasis on my incalls I ignor all others with minimim online time.
2. I have been in this less than a year and I create all sorts of silliness not knowing the facts and rules of the board.
3. I am vocal and not afraid to take on any situation and given the knowledge and rules I and very much apt to follow I would do well.
4. I am very active on the boards and strive to see all views and make the best outcome for all.

With that said I am confused as to weither or not to ask for any type of mod position . . . it only makes me respect even more what they do everyday for us

And to Eli . . . he has been KEY in my success. He is a mentor, a friend and a lover. If he put that above the site . . .well . . .I think that his sacrifice led to many hobbiests and providers thriving. The true meaning of well . . . .let's name him the Ultimate Hobbiest
Freedom has been granted to these fellas. Decisions are made by any two parties based on what is best for the individual and for the group. I fail to see how a position would make that much difference. If they were friends, they will still be friends, unless you only wanted them as a friend BECAUSE they were a mod. But surely that isn't the case.

They now have the time to devote to what brought them here inthe first place. Play for Pay. And have more time to spend with the women they enjoy. They resigned. They did NOT DIE!

Move along to the next step. Life continues. The sun rises the next day.

  • jbonz
  • 03-10-2010, 07:30 AM
Other than the resigning part not being quite true the rest is fine.
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 03-10-2010, 11:21 AM

I wish you the best. I appreciate all of the hard work you have done behind the scenes (I didn't know-sorry). Thank you from the bottom of my heart.