98% of women masturbate in the shower

Carolina Girl Holly's Avatar
98% of women masturbate in the shower, the other 2% sing a song, you know what the song is?

(Answer, then wait for it....)
Carolina Girl Holly's Avatar
no one is answering or knows the song,
so they must be in the 98% percent lol
skbinks's Avatar
LOL. I had to go look it up but see you already answered it. Without looking it up, I would have said "no". Kind of goes the same for guys. LOL

guy: Did you know that 98% of women masturbate in the shower, the other 2% sing. Do you know what song they sing?
girl: No, what?
guy: I guess you're not one of those 2% huh!?
I don't know what the answer is but I prefer dressing rooms in department stores lol. I was never a great sales associate.
The idea is, you tell that joke to women, not to the sausage-packers...
Carolina Girl Holly's Avatar
I know sweetie; it sounds better coming from a man; but its still pretty funny.