What little things do you appreciate most?

I know threads very similar to this have been started before, but frankly, what hasn't? So please do not reply with "use search, this has been discussed, etc". Thank you.

I want to know the little (or big) things that a lady does that makes you go "Wow, I really want to see her again!" This can be BCD, TCB, general personality, pretty much anything that makes you definitely want to return. Please try to keep your answers positive and feel free to shout out to the lady/ladies you are thinking of.
domeindfdub's Avatar
Nice thread Traci,
Little things for me:
lots of smiling,
entertaining personality,
thoughtful compliments,
eye contact,
her stroking all over my body, both pre and post nut.
Bottle of water and a warm washcloth
Can the ladies chime in...giggling

Small things always make me blush or remember to treat a particular gent really nice the next he comes again.

One gent brought my favorite coffee drink from Starbucks.

Some have showered with me and grabbed a dry towel and dried me off....small but so selfless and very sweet.

Some have wiped off the soap on my face, if I didn't see it there....again small, but so sweet.

Some call me just to see how I am doing and saying hi.
Thank you, domeindfdub, those are really good ones!

Of course the ladies can chime in, Lisa. Thanks for posting. I had a gent bring me starbucks once, too. Very sweet. Another one brought me an afghan for a house-warming present, and I use it like every day. Some clients offer me backrubs afterwards, which is always so nice!
CenterLock's Avatar
Outside the meet:
PM's. Not "When do you want to see me" PM's. The "conversational" kind that can extend over days or weeks (thus violating the "you're wasting my time" rule). Sometimes replies are rapid fire - sometimes don't come for days (we all have lives and jobs, right?) When this happens (as it did with Brooke recently) it really impresses me. I don't care if the bottom line from the lady is "maybe this'll get him to see me" as long as it doesn't come across that way. Even if the conversation drops off to nothing, I remember.
Texts - not for everyone, but anyone that has my number can text me anytime. Some have and it's damned nice to get a "Hey! Thinking about you!" sometimes.
PM's - not to be confused with the "conversational" - this is the "Had a great time", or "Thanks for the review" PM's after a meet. Let's me know I wasn't forgotten after I left. Again - I don't care if the intent is "come see me again" as long as it doesn't make me feel that way (see you 3 times and get "Had a great time! Come see me again!" messages all three times and I'm likely to think this is a canned response...)

At the meet:
Not rushing.
Smiling - make me feel like you're enjoying the time as much as I am.
Be willing to "go with the flow" - Some women have a "routine" worked out that pretty much ensures a delightful (hoping here that "delightful" isn't some sort of trademark already ) visit. Don't try to get back on track if I cause a detour. I noticed my favorite has a "path to victory" which - quite frankly - I can't argue with. But sometimes I'd rather give more than receive or just alter "the norm". Sometimes she tries something new. It keeps it exciting. On the flip side, I saw a different woman who - when I tried to go left HARD steered me back right. She had her routine and she was sticking to it.

Guess those would be mine. I agree with domeindfdub so far on the rest.
dodger's Avatar
+1 To CenterLock ... I tend to follow up with ladies who communicate. Ladies who see the initial contact as an opportunity to begin developing a relationship which fits in to the fantasy of the hobby. "Yes", "no", or "when do you want to see me?" don't get it done.

I want to feel like the lady is happy doing what she is doing and happy to be with me. I appreciate that it's part of the illusion of GFE ... but it is what I like. The "illusion of passion" may not be as much an issue as the "illusion of affection" ... but, then ... waldt
once you have gotten to know each other at least a couple of times, its nice to know a lady is glade to see you. it can be a full kiss on the lips, a big hug, or just a lot of touching. there was one lady who insisted on bathing me after our session. very nice.
CoHorn's Avatar
A thank you for shopping here email is nice after the appointment

Calling me by my name.

Saying that I'm welcome back before I leave the appointment.

Telling me to keep my money and pay me
mtabsw's Avatar
HUGE pluses - Common to all in my rotation:
1. Making me feel like they won the lottery when I walk in
2. Not checking the clock overtly - no one shoves me out the door
3. Respecting my time - almost always ready at the appointed time

ENORMOUS plus - actually got TWO this year - presents at holidays

VERY RARE but wonderful - "meet me for a drink"

NEGATIVES: Coomunication courtesy - Sadly several of mine go silent frequently for days on end for various reasons. A few seconds to text "I'm ok, just overwhelmed - catch you soon" would improve things 100000%. One for example now opens her emails..."I'm sorry it's taken so long to reply....". That's an amazing improvement and I salute her (no names but you know who you are - and I'm sending a big hug!!!)
Wow. Some really good answers. And a few that surprise me. I appreciate all of your input. Keep it coming, guys and gals!
PoppyToyota's Avatar
When she acts just as excited to see me as I am to see her.

When she PM's, Texts to check on me and say hi.

If she can make me laugh and smile when I'm with her.

(Rare) If she invites me out to lunch/dinner to catch up.

Those are my "Hot Buttons!"
I really appreciate when the lady responds promptly to my appointment request, even if she is not available. It's sounds very basic, but you would be surprised how hard it is to get prompt replies.

It is nice to get a brief thank you note after the session, if the guy was a gentleman, of course.
TheBizzer's Avatar
I'll echo and expound on the answers already given. I like a girl who flirts via pm, email, or text prior to meeting. Vixen DeVaim once did this so masterfully prior to our first meeting that by the time I got to our appointment it didn't even seem like P4P.

Saying my name also gets me, whether in the throes of passion or just in conversation. Seems like a small thing, but I'd say 90% of the time I doubt the girl even knows my name.
StarsFanTx's Avatar
The one thing that really surprised me was when my ATF stocked my own bodywash in her shower. I had seen her a few times and mentioned what I used. Next visit it was there. I guess the little things mean a lot.
Coming back to see me again
.Remembering are conversation from our last meeting
. A card are flower
Just a hello how are you text