Louisiana Governor calls Trump's Bluff.

Just like most people in the media have stated- Trump's trip to Louisiana was mere PR that I blind person could see from a mile away. Here's a state from Louisiana's governor:

The mammoth flooding in the area -- 6.9 trillion gallons of rain pummeled Louisiana between August 8 and 14 -- damaged more than 40,000 homes and killed at least 13 people. More than 70,000 people had registered for individual assistance since the federal disaster was declared, and more than 9,000 had filed flood insurance claims, according to the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards' office released a statement before the arrival that said Trump had not reached out to inform them of his visit.
"We welcome (Trump) to (Louisiana), but not for a photo-op. Instead we hope he'll consider volunteering or making a sizeable donation to the LA Flood Relief Fund to help the victims of this storm."
Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton called Edwards to get a briefing on the damage, and posted shortly afterward on Facebook about their call.
"My heart breaks for Louisiana, and right now, the relief effort can't afford any distractions. The very best way this team can help is to make sure Louisianans have the resources they need," she wrote in the post. "These are our friends, our family members, our community -- and they're counting on us to reach out with open arms right now."

So let's see if Billionaire Trump reaches into his wallet and writes out a nice pay check to help the victims or get's his hands dirty because there's plenty of humanitarian work needed.

Those of you who are quick to praise Trump, don't you think it's odd that he didn't contact the governor of the state?
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Just like most people in the media have stated- Trump's trip to Louisiana was mere PR that I blind person could see from a mile away. Here's a state from Louisiana's governor:

The mammoth flooding in the area -- 6.9 trillion gallons of rain pummeled Louisiana between August 8 and 14 -- damaged more than 40,000 homes and killed at least 13 people. More than 70,000 people had registered for individual assistance since the federal disaster was declared, and more than 9,000 had filed flood insurance claims, according to the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards' office released a statement before the arrival that said Trump had not reached out to inform them of his visit.
"We welcome (Trump) to (Louisiana), but not for a photo-op. Instead we hope he'll consider volunteering or making a sizeable donation to the LA Flood Relief Fund to help the victims of this storm."
Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton called Edwards to get a briefing on the damage, and posted shortly afterward on Facebook about their call.
"My heart breaks for Louisiana, and right now, the relief effort can't afford any distractions. The very best way this team can help is to make sure Louisianans have the resources they need," she wrote in the post. "These are our friends, our family members, our community -- and they're counting on us to reach out with open arms right now."

So let's see if Billionaire Trump reaches into his wallet and writes out a nice pay check to help the victims or get's his hands dirty because there's plenty of humanitarian work needed.

Those of you who are quick to praise Trump, don't you think it's odd that he didn't contact the governor of the state? Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt

Guy has zero respect for law and order. These poor sheeple think a billionaire actually gives a shit about them when he spent his entire life not giving a shit. This is priceless. LOL He will get his photo Op moment and move on the man is trying to win the Presidency LOL
Guy has zero respect for law and order. These poor sheeple think a billionaire actually gives a shit about them when he spent his entire life not giving a shit. This is priceless. LOL He will get his photo Op moment and move on the man is trying to win the Presidency LOL Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
You are correct I am still waiting for Ralphey Boy to tell me how much Trump donated to his family. He said Trump helped his family- are these Trump supporters so stupid that they think people couldn't see through his bullshit? He stayed a couple of hours in that state- didn't meet the governor nor inform the governor that he was arriving and didn't leave one red cent. Surely, a billionaire like Trump could have left a million dollar check.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
You are correct I am still waiting for Ralphey Boy to tell me how much Trump donated to his family. He said Trump helped his family- are these Trump supporters so stupid that they think people couldn't see through his bullshit? He stayed a couple of hours in that state- didn't meet the governor nor inform the governor that he was arriving and didn't leave one red cent. Surely, a billionaire like Trump could have left a million dollar check. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt

Trumpie he left an IOU

bambino's Avatar
Trumpie he left an IOU

LOL Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Obama was playing a $5 nassue. Then off to a $50,000 a plate fundraiser for Clinton. Typical for him.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
As a private citizen Trump is under no obligation to tell the governor anything. As for PR, why did Trump send reporters away? Meantime, Hillary is resting in anticipation of her $30,000 a plate fundraiser starring Obama.
Well let's see- Obama reached out to Gov Christie and informed him of his visit. George W Bush- even though late reached out to the Mayor of New Orleans during his visit- so don't tell me it's not protocol to at least have the courtesy to inform the state's head i.e-governor that you are going to visit or even reach out to the governor. You are in such fucking denial. At least Hillary had the sense to call the governor.

Tell me which one is more of an impact- if you house just got destroyed by some natural disaster and I show up and stand outside your home and say oh my that's just awful and leave an hour later or if I call you directly and ask you what I can do for you and your family or if I leave a generous check to some organization that can help you get your life back in order? Please answer that question?
LexusLover's Avatar
"Louisiana Governor calls Trump's Bluff"!

Bluff on what?

How much has the State of Louisiana coughed up to help the victims?
LexusLover's Avatar
...I show up and stand outside your home and say oh my that's just awful and leave an hour later ..... Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
.. 59 minutes too long ... to block my view of the neighborhood!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Well let's see- Obama reached out to Gov Christie and informed him of his visit. George W Bush- even though late reached out to the Mayor of New Orleans during his visit- so don't tell me it's not protocol to at least have the courtesy to inform the state's head i.e-governor that you are going to visit or even reach out to the governor. You are in such fucking denial. At least Hillary had the sense to call the governor.

Tell me which one is more of an impact- if you house just got destroyed by some natural disaster and I show up and stand outside your home and say oh my that's just awful and leave an hour later or if I call you directly and ask you what I can do for you and your family or if I leave a generous check to some organization that can help you get your life back in order? Please answer that question? Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
Your reader is lacking in skills to not explain the following concept; Christie was a governor and Obama was the president. Trump is a private citizen until he assumes office.
Your reader is lacking in skills to not explain the following concept; Christie was a governor and Obama was the president. Trump is a private citizen until he assumes office. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
you dumb fuck he's running for POTUS which is basically the same- he and Hillary from now to election day whether they like it or not will be asked about any crisis that Obama will be dealing with- did Obama and McCain after the crash in 2008 say- well we are not the President yet so Bush is going to have to deal with the financial crash all on his own? They were both private citizens too were they not based on your logic?
"Louisiana Governor calls Trump's Bluff"!

Bluff on what?

How much has the State of Louisiana coughed up to help the victims? Originally Posted by LexusLover
I guess you think Louisiana which by the way is one of the poorest state's in the union is just sitting on billions of dollars worth of cash? Do a google search and see how much deficit our fellow Republican former governor Bobby Jindal added to Louisiana's deficit.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Hey, Lubed Wide-ass! You can go fuck the dim-retard governor of Louisiana, Lubed Wide-ass, you two would probably find each other anally attractive. Meanwhile, Lubed Wide-ass, Louisiana's lieutenant governor and Louisiana Senator Cassidy graciously welcomed Trump at the airport, Lubed Wide-ass. And together with Pence, they all distributed relief supplies to Louisiana flood victims while your boy Odumbo is still on vacation playing golf in Martha’s Vineyard and while the physically decrepit hildebeest is still recuperating from the physical strain of her Monday night Martha’s Vineyard fund raiser with Odumbo, Lubed Wide-ass.
bambino's Avatar
you dumb fuck he's running for POTUS which is basically the same- he and Hillary from now to election day whether they like it or not will be asked about any crisis that Obama will be dealing with- did Obama and McCain after the crash in 2008 say- well we are not the President yet so Bush is going to have to deal with the financial crash all on his own? They were both private citizens too were they not based on your logic? Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
Look dumb fuck, why doesn't Hillary get off her decrepit ass and pay a visit? Her foundation has billions, maybe she could send some money. Oh wait, only 10% of the money goes to charity. Bottom line, Trump could and may send his own money as a charitable contribution. If it's legal. But leaders lead. He showed up.
You are correct I am still waiting for Ralphey Boy to tell me how much Trump donated to his family. He said Trump helped his family- are these Trump supporters so stupid that they think people couldn't see through his bullshit? He stayed a couple of hours in that state- didn't meet the governor nor inform the governor that he was arriving and didn't leave one red cent. Surely, a billionaire like Trump could have left a million dollar check. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
How much money will the Clinton Money Laundering "Foundation" be contributing Lubed Wide-Ass ? Mebbe use some of those dollars shrilLIARy received from those " foreign sources " to help some people here in the US.