Are There Risks Following Penile Injection?

Lana Warren's Avatar
I had a very good male friend come to me and ask if I knew of any risks that followed by a penile injection! I was kinda dumbfounded because I have only personally witnessed one gentleman inject himself with this ED medication and I just don't know alot about it! My friend was more concerned about the risks that are associated with the injection site as in an open wound type thing! And I thought this would make a great discussion!

Your thoughts?
tsrv4me's Avatar
when the hose stops working I think I'll stop need to insert open wounds into any other orifice ...good luck .......
I would rather get a root canal, wait that might be what he is talking about.
Yeah, the primary risk is that I might punch any SOB who sticks a needle in my best part. That ain't no pin cushion.
Usually it's a very small gauge syringe due to the sensitivity of the injection site. It strikes me as an alternative to the various pills that have side effects that some men don't like, such as flushed face, sniffles, getting an erection when you see anything with breasts or having it hop to attention when the comely female dog (you're thinkin' bitch, aren't ya!) walks past. You can end up getting a bruise on the shaft (not attractive) and using too much can cause an erection that lasts too long. Otherwise, the websites that discuss this say it's a guaranteed multi-hour erection.
I have been wondering the same thing Lana. I have had 2 gentlemen here recently using the injection. I had glanced into the bathroom and saw them giving theirselves the shot. The first thing that came to my mind since i have a "oral" fetish is i did not want to do that since i was not going to run the risk of getting any of the medication that was injected into the mouth. I thought no way i am going to risk getting what they injected into my system by oral so as much as i hated to i had to past on that one....That has to hurt i would think ,but not sure of any other risk from it
  • E2
  • 03-11-2011, 12:43 PM
Medically I can't add much, but the only risks I can think of that would follow a penile injection are ALL psychological.
rachet3375's Avatar
FWIW, link....

Seems to be hit or miss for some and a godsend for others.
roxy28's Avatar
I have seen a gentlemen one time that had that.... he asked me to give him his injection, and I told him I would not be able to do it! I am afraid to stick myself with a needle or to even have to get a shot at the doctor! It just makes me cringe! I think there are a lot of other forms of medication that help with E.D. lol
OldGrump's Avatar
Here is a link to a pdf file that is the most comprehensive I've found on the subject:

I think it should be safe if the injection site was covered. Otherwise, there is a risk of exchanging fluids. When done correctly, there is no visible blood (the needle is very small). However, I would avoid BB anything following an injection.
I was going to ask why on earth would somebody want to go through with that in the bathroom of the incall... But then I formed a mental image of someone injecting themselves in the car possibly under the disapproving gaze of passers-by, then waddling up to the incall with a boner straining to escape... Nope, that doesn't work either!

Either way, it sounds like a really bad idea when combined with the hobby. It sounds like an infection risk to both parties.
smokeater's Avatar
Really, I guess I am living in the dark ages over here... There are guys that inject their members with an ED medicine? WTF, if any one of the other options don't work I may condiser retirement before I take a needle to little smokey...
FishGuy13's Avatar
Really, I guess I am living in the dark ages over here... There are guys that inject their members with an ED medicine? WTF, if any one of the other options don't work I may condiser retirement before I take a needle to little smokey... Originally Posted by smokeater
The injections came before the pills (Viagra, Levitra, & Cialias) and I am guessing cheaper & covered by more insurances plans. I think I could do it, but ...
Rcoop361's Avatar
Tried it, but Jr. Threaten to desert me after the second time, being I don't like needles anywhere. As for infection the needle is smaller than a Diabetic needle, so no open wound is really left and the injection site is covered with a condom, but I still wouldn't suggest it for the hobby. Another factor is the cost $45.00 per shot (sold in pairs so $90.00), and you really can't store them for very long. Also with me I noticed if I didn't split it between both sides Jr. ended up in a curved shape, so that's two pokes for me. But it was also a mood killer.
cookie man's Avatar
For the guys...just don't hit a vein. It's basically a chemical similiar to adrenallin. For the ladies...there may be a drop of blood, but the guy wipes it off and is safe to go. It's just a litle prick. :-)