Flash websites

TheBizzer's Avatar
I do all my "hobby hunting" via my iPhone. That includes searching these boards, ads, provider websites, etc. (I'm typing this on my phone.) My access to an actual computer with any amount of privacy and discretion is extremely limited, so I use my phone instead. I'm not sure how many guys are in the same situation, but I have to imagine I'm not the only one.

The problem with this is that iPhones currently do not support Flash (I'm not sure about Blackberries and other smartphones). I see a fair amount of providers using Flash for their websites, which means I am unable to view their pictures, information, etc. Basically I just move on.

Now, I'm the one with the problem, so I'm not here to bitch about it. However, it would be interesting to know how many other guys are in my predicament, and might be something for providers to consider when designing their websites.
ForeverYoung's Avatar
Bizzer- I use my iphone often and have also experienced the flash issue. In addition, some of the ladies web sites will not scroll or display properly on an iphone. Fortunately I have access to a laptop most of the day. This problem may not cause too many problems for ladies YET, however, iphone and ipad growth is going to continue to boom and the smart ladies will want to insure their web site is compatible with this equipment.

Some of the problem I'm sure is a function of the tools and software the site owners use for displaying a ladies web site. Just one example - If you checkout 411 with an iphone you will notice that when you display a ladies detailed information page that it will not scroll if she has a lot of information on it..... Unable to read all the information she has posted.

Ladies, I suggest that you checkout your site using an iphone. Contact your web site owner if you find that your information isn't displaying properly. Smart site owners will fix the problem.
Captain Caveman's Avatar
It's the Flash. Apple refuses to get into an agreement with Adobe (the owners of Flash) that will allow them to do development and add Flash capability to the iPhone OS. I think Windows mobile and Blackberry handle it just fine (although I haven't tested it to make sure).
S-Man's Avatar
  • S-Man
  • 04-19-2010, 06:40 PM
In addition to Flash movies, I've noticed problems viewing certain websites on my iPhone.
iPhone & Provider Sites
I don't think the problem is widespread enough for providers to address the issue specifically, especially if they paid someone to create their site. They would have to spend quite a bit of money just to satisfy those who are "only" iphone users. (I think extremely few people ONLY use their phone to access hobby info/sites/etc)

That means, spend money without any evidence or guarantee that it would bring in any additional income. No incentive. I would say make time to access those sites from a computer or invest in a phone that supports today's technologies.
TheBizzer's Avatar
I don't think the problem is widespread enough for providers to address the issue specifically, especially if they paid someone to create their site. They would have to spend quite a bit of money just to satisfy those who are "only" iphone users. (I think extremely few people ONLY use their phone to access hobby info/sites/etc)

That means, spend money without any evidence or guarantee that it would bring in any additional income. No incentive. I would say make time to access those sites from a computer or invest in a phone that supports today's technologies. Originally Posted by dentonseek

Thanks for your response, but I'm not really looking for a solution to my problem viewing these websites. My situation is what it is and I'm ok with it. However, I was speculating that you might be wrong in your assumption that I
in the extreme minority, and would like to find out if that is the case. If so, it would be valuable information for the providers to know, as the incentive to accomodate might become a bit bigger. And with all the buzz for the iPad, I think it'd be a mistake to dismiss Apple products as simply "not supporting current technologies".
  • npita
  • 04-19-2010, 07:42 PM
Thanks for your response, but I'm not really looking for a solution to my problem viewing these websites. My situation is what it is and I'm ok with it. Originally Posted by TheBizzer
I'd skip any website done in flash on general principles. I want web sites to be informative, not full of pointless gee-whiz nonsense that depends on having the latest version of some proprietary medium.
Very few phones will play Flash content. Supposedly the Google Android browser works with Flash, but I have yet to see it work.

So +1

I have been thinking about posting a similar suggestion to providers for a year or two now. Bizzer -- thanks
TheBizzer, sorry to deviate from the topic: who is the lady in your avatar? Can't take my eyes off the picture!!

Thanks for your response, but I'm not really looking for a solution to my problem viewing these websites. My situation is what it is and I'm ok with it. However, I was speculating that you might be wrong in your assumption that I
in the extreme minority, and would like to find out if that is the case. If so, it would be valuable information for the providers to know, as the incentive to accomodate might become a bit bigger. And with all the buzz for the iPad, I think it'd be a mistake to dismiss Apple products as simply "not supporting current technologies". Originally Posted by TheBizzer
Well, if you're referring to people who ONLY use their phones to access ECCIE & Provider sites, I would say you are in the extreme minority. However, i'm sure plenty of guys use their phones AND their computers.

By the way, here is an option you can use to bypass Apples blatant disregard for current technology.

Web Developers know that:
Flash use in the travel destination niche is upwards of 80%+
Flash use in fashion nears 90%
Flash use in the hobby is apparently getting up there.
So ya, in my opinion Apple has is ass-backwards.

I'd skip any website done in flash on general principles. I want web sites to be informative, not full of pointless gee-whiz nonsense that depends on having the latest version of some proprietary medium. Originally Posted by npita
This all depends on trend and content. If you want text content then fine, you can find that in certain media sectors or markets. However, people demand flash, animation, video, content that brings the product closer to the consumer...and it takes Flash to do it, currently. Silverlight is a distant second. You don't HAVE to have flash, but if you are selling something, your competition will have flash.
TheBizzer's Avatar
Well, if you're referring to people who ONLY use their phones to access ECCIE & Provider site, I would say you are in the extreme minority.
Dentonseek, with all due respect, pardon me if I don't take your opinion on the browsing habits of the average hobbyist as the gospel truth. Unless you've done some kind of actual market research that I'm unaware of, your browsing habits constitute just that--- your own browsing habits. I'm not sure what makes you think you're an authority on the issue, as honestly I don't think anyone can be. I'm aware you use a computer, and are a fan of Flash. Now i'd like to hear from some of the other guys.
TheBizzer's Avatar
TheBizzer, sorry to deviate from the topic: who is the lady in your avatar? Can't take my eyes off the picture!! Originally Posted by breadtoaster
Wish I knew. That ass is delicious enough to take a bite out of.
I found it in a photo gallery titled "American Apparel's Finalists for Best Ass". You might google that and see if you can't find more of her.
S-Man's Avatar
  • S-Man
  • 04-19-2010, 08:19 PM
HTML5 doesn't require Flash
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
We can't be everywhere all the time, nor please all the gents all the time. Most of us do the best we can with what we have available to us. Hate you might not be able to view our sites, of course I think mine is the best ever!!!

It's a shame some folks think we gotta be tech gurus along with being beautiful, charming, sexy, itelligent, flexible, horny all the time, confidant, funny, tolerant, patient, therapeutic, sweet and we all know I could go on....go figure?!?! But thanks for the always welcome advice from someone who can't figure out how to get to a computer....'-) LOL I'm just sayin'
Dentonseek, with all due respect, pardon me if I don't take your opinion on the browsing habits of the average hobbyist as the gospel truth. Unless you've done some kind of actual market research that I'm unaware of, your browsing habits constitute just that--- your own browsing habits. I'm not sure what makes you think you're an authority on the issue, as honestly I don't think anyone can be. I'm aware you use a computer, and are a fan of Flash. Now i'd like to hear from some of the other guys. Originally Posted by TheBizzer
TheBizzer, you asked a question and I answered. Just because you didn't like the answer doesn't mean it can't be true. You want the evidence to back it up, here you go. Websites track their visitors, including what browser they used when they were surfing the site.


Here are the stats of all website users, and based on the fact that the iPhone uses Safari as its browser along with all Macs, and Safari has only 3.7% of CURRENT market share. So, I will generously consider that of that 3.7%, 2% are iPhone users. So apply those statistics to ECCIE and the Hobby and add a percent for error if that makes you feel better....and arrive at 3%, which I think its closer to 1%, but that's my uneducated guess. 3% to me is still an extreme minority. Given that ECCIE has a little over 18,000 registered members, thats about 350 people. Minority.