I really hate to do this--

I'm in a slight situation and I need some assistance. Generally, I keep my business off the boards and I don't ask for anything, but I've kind of been "knocked over" so to speak.

I need to either borrow or work out a trade agreement (appointments, cleaning, whatever) for about $600. ($592 to be exact, but I like nice, round numbers).

If you are in a position to help and would be willing to help, please PM me for more information about the situation and to see if we can work out some form of arrangement that would work for both of us.

I'm pretty embarrassed about having to do this, but I'm also pretty much out of options.
LazurusLong's Avatar
Just looked at your showcase.
$500/2hrs $700/3hrs 900/4hrs

Might want to do what it takes work wise to alter the pricing structure.

Why not email or text (yes I know a lot of guys can't stand that) and offer some previous clients an attractive discount or a lesser time frame option? If you offered 3 previous clients a 200/h special one time only repeat customer offer, you'd have the 600 in no time.

I'm NOT telling you how to run your business but in this workplace and economy, keep in mind the provider ad section is ads and specials....
I offered a special for $125 for yesterday and today and ended up with a total of 1 confirmed appointment. Had to cancel the second night of my hotel stay as I couldn't afford it.

Plus, most of my regulars are grandfathered, but our schedules didn't match up for this week.

The showcase is that way due to the fact that with the exception of when I run my specials-- its VERY difficult for me to schedule appointments.