Do Crazy Bastards Deserve Due Process?

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Interesting exchange between Rand Paul and Lindsey "Where else may I kiss you, Mr. President" Graham on the Senate floor.

What say you?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You, Whirly and JoetheBlowhard are the only crazy bastards on here, but you are the only StupidOldFart!

There, BigTurd, saved you some time. Now let's hear from some real posters.
fuck it
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I deferentiate between citizens, enemy combatants, and foreign nationals. Citizens have full constiutional rights, foreign nationals have most rights, and enemy combatants have only the most basic rights (we can't kill them out of hand in cold blood, we can't torture them for fun, and we can't use them as slaves). Obama may not have arrested anyone but he has certainly killed American citizens with drone strikes. I will not go into whether or not they deserved death for treason but there were denied rights without any due process. If we are going to start killing Americans for treason in Al Queida then I would like the Supreme Court to rule on the situation first. Many things have been tacitly approved the SCOTUS in times of crisis. Suspension of Habeous Corpus by Lincoln, wire tapping by Wilson, arrests for sedition by Wilson and the SCOTUS overturned these decisions later. So far they have not taken up the matter but Obama kills Americans anyway.

We need the SCOTUS to make a decision on who gets what rights and not the president.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Actually, we can't even trust SCOTUS for that. The people need to rise up and demand their rights.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Maybe we can't trust SCOTUS (slavery, eugenics, wire taps, separate by equal all approved by the SCOTUS) but they should be given the chance to rule.
You, Whirly, I B Lying & Crying, LL, JD and Joe the Bloehard are the craziest bastards on here, but you are the only StupidOldFart!

You were close but not specific enough!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Wow, that made so much sense (NOT).
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Sorry, JD, but the SCOTUS has proven itself to be a part of the thrust into tyranny. I don't trust them to protect any rights. We have to do that ourselves.
Sorry, JD Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
StupidOldFart is starting to come around. JD is about as "sorry" as it gets!

But even JD doesn't hold a candle to StupidOldFart!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
We understand you don't appreciate freedom, BigTurd. Now let the grownups talk.
Now let the grownups talk. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You're right! I apologize for sticking my nose in.

Even "grownup" idiots need a place to safely congregate!

BTW, where is I B Lying and Crying? You guys must not need a quorum!
Interesting exchange between Rand Paul and Lindsey "Where else may I kiss you, Mr. President" Graham on the Senate floor.

What say you? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Oh, yes. The GOP has truly been the standard-bearer on the right to trial by jury. They've done everything possible to deprive US citizens of that right on the civil side of the docket via tort reform.

So, none of us should get a jury trial when we get fucked over by an insurance company or when a physician kills or cripples one of our loved ones via malpractice.....but, we need to make sure that the terrorists who pose a direct immediate threat to our lives and well-being get their day in court. Even if doing so endangers us.

Rand Paul is a nut who needs to remove that poodle, or whatever it is, from the top of his head.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Actually, Timmy, the GOP is a huge threat to Constitutional rights. Lindsey Graham is a Republican. I'm not supporting the GOP, they need to be replaced as well as the Democrats.

The only issues where there is no gridlock between the Dems and Reps involve limiting or doing away with Constitutional rights.
Actually, Timmy, the GOP is a huge threat to Constitutional rights. Lindsey Graham is a Republican. I'm not supporting the GOP, they need to be replaced as well as the Democrats.

The only issues where there is no gridlock between the Dems and Reps involve limiting or doing away with Constitutional rights. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Rand Paul is a Republican too last time I checked. A nuttier than usual Republican, to be sure.

Nobody is doing away with your constitutional rights. The sky is not falling. The sun will rise in the east tomorrow....and the world will turn.

What is it with you and this crap? Is it just drama? Overactive imagination? Truly delusional?

Tell me one thing that has actually happened to you, or somebody you know, that you believe is the result of the supposed erosion of your rights under the Constitution.