Lemo Demo

Costco borrows 2.5 billion to pay special 7.00 dividend to board members in order to avoid increase in taxes coming in 2013. Why wouldnt they wait and pay it next year ? Why support Obama if you dont believe in his mission and goals? There is a word for this but i wouldnt say it cause it would upset the libs.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 12-03-2012, 07:01 AM
You have two things confused here:

--Borrowing in order to pay bonuses is sleazy and much too typical of the lack of morals in many executives (and other people)

--However if the law allows it, it isn't illegal. And execs of both parties will likely follow suit. It is not a political issue as you try to make it, and I doubt the board thought whether they should "support Obama" when they made the decision. It's simple economics tinged with greed. Butting themselves ahead of the company they are paid to oversee.

Only bitter folks like you want to turn it into a refferendum for/against someone who won't run again.
Bitter ? OK , but really isnt there a hint of hypocrisy when these guys are stumping for higher taxes for themselves and then do everything they can can to beat them. I didnt hear any Pubs out there complaining how their taxes weren't high enough , did you?
I am not advocating any candidate, but i do have a problem when someone preaches one thing and does another especially on a national stage. I would think everyone on here would take issue with that. Not to mention the risk they are taking for the company, stockholders, employees etc.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
No, there isn't even the slightest bit of hypocracy involved in the decision of Costco's board. It is legal and it is a way for them to make one, last big, "score." if you will. Just because some people may lean away from a particular line of political thought doesn't mean that they are not shrewd business people. This is the real world.

Their only "sin," perhaps, in the eyes of staunch Teawipery, is them realizing that more consumers with more money to spend is good for their business. Tight money has always been the bane of wholesalers and retailers of any sort of consumer product. It is, however, the orgasmic fantasy of all financiers.

BTW, even though it sort of trashes the visual poetry, it's Limo, not Lemo.
Have we forget how Mitt Romney was toatlly castigated by the Left and their cronies in the media during the campain for doing things with his money that were perfectly legal.
chefnerd's Avatar
First of all it is not a bonus to the board. It is a special cash dividend being issued to COMPANY SHAREHOLDERS before this year end in case the idiots in D. C. can't figure out an agreement. That's what dividend-paying companies do. They distribute the profits back to the investors. But yes, they are using part of the new debt offering to help pay the dividend.

  • Laz
  • 12-04-2012, 10:20 PM
Liberals always want to spend other peoples money. It was a smart business move that was completely legal and if I were in charge I would have done the same thing. However, I would not have publicly or privately advocated the tax increases.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
The obvious solution to those of you who are all agahst at this move is for Costco's board not to give a sh*t about what you might post. Who knows, some of you Teawipes may have some Costco stock hidden in a mutual fund or even have some of that stock in your portfolio. You do know what a portfolio is, don't you?