Dear Libs, How Many Of These MSM Hoaxes Did You Fall For?

berryberry's Avatar
How many recent mainstream media hoaxes did you fall for? ... and/or still believe?

Russian collusion

Trump called neo-nazis "fine people"

Jussie Smollett

Bubba Wallace garage pull

Covington kids

Governor Whitmer kidnapping plot

Kavanaugh rape

Trump pee tape

COVID lab leak was a conspiracy theory

Border agents whipped migrants

Trump saved nuclear secrets at Mar-a-Lago

Steele Dossier

Russian bounties on US soldiers in Afghanistan

Trump said drinking bleach would fight COVID

Muslim travel ban

Hunter Biden's laptop was Russian disinformation

Andrew Cuomo best COVID leadership

Trump built cages for migrant kids

"Austere religious scholar"

Trump overfed Koi fish in Japan

Build Back Better will pay for itself

Trump tax cuts benefited only the rich

Cloth masks prevent COVID

If you get vaccinated you won't catch COVID

SUV killed parade marchers

Trump used teargas to clear a crowd for a bible photo

"Don't Say Gay" was in a bill

Putin price hike

Ivermectin is a horse dewormer and not for humans

"Mostly peaceful" protests

Trump overpowered secret service for wheel of "The Beast"

Officer Sicknick was murdered by protesters

January 6th was an insurrection

BYU students hurled racist insults at Duke volleyball player

And don't forget "democracy is under threat..."
berryberry's Avatar
I wonder if Eye thinks any of these fit under his type of false, harmful or would (sic) insight harm to others speech he would ban.

Somehow I bet not
eyecu2's Avatar
There's a few in there I do believe. What you post as disproven ones by FOX news are the ones I would probably mostly agree as being true. In fact, the Russian connection with dickface Trump....and Trump did call the white supremacists in Va very fine ppl. While that never bothered me since he was, in my opinion, trying to find middle ground. The problem is that he is a shitty orator and has no gift of speaking eloquently. But he does have a gift for speaking to the slow and uneducated. They don't get those 50 cent words. In general Trump is as guilty as being a grifting piece of shit politician as he is an expert at claiming bankruptcy or failure as a husband. He's morally bankrupt I would sacrifice anyone his own betterment. Fucking garbage, and his entire administration was a joke. Other than that, I have no opinion on the matter.
berryberry's Avatar
There's a few in there I do believe. Originally Posted by eyecu2
I suspected there were. Yet every single one was a hoax, purely false and many were designed to be harmful or incite harmful reactions by uneducated people on the left