4 sale - barter? Well condition sofa in excellent condition

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So I am about to pull the trigger on selling my living room sofa on a consignment as I got a futon sofa from a family member so the original one has to go.

Any of you well established ladies in good standing on ECCIE interested in a tradeout for an hour session?

Or any of you gents interested in purchasing for 200 bucks?

I believe I got it for 400+ and it is in excellent shape as I have no pets, kids or significant other. Most of my living room time is in my leather Pillsbury Doughboy recliner chair anyway.

The only catch is you would have to arrange for transport as I have a bad back. I need to figure this out in say a week or I may go forward with a local store for consignment and last resort calling the Salvation Army or Goodwill and take a tax write off.

If your really interested I will text you a pic. It is a soft but firm neutral cloth Koehler Comfort Coil out of North Carolina with 2 matching cusions.

Thanks for your consideration,

Pm me some pics. Thanks.