IRS: scandal within a scandal.

I B Hankering's Avatar
Lois Lerner belongs to the National Treasury Employees Union (NTEU). This outfit, through its Political Action Committee (PAC) gave 94% of its contributions to dim-retard causes in the 2012 election cycle. That contribution amounted to more than $560,000 according to Melanie Batley writing in Newsmax.

And here we find a scandal within a scandal. There are about 200 IRS employees that spend all (ALL) their time conducting union business at a cost of 23.5 million taxpayer dollars a year. Some of these workers dedicated to union operations including lobbying their own government, put in 573,319 hours of toil, none of which was related to the mission of the IRS. Some of these government stiffs take home payroll checks totaling more than $100,000 annually.

....we are told that IRS employees were paid $70 million in bonuses in 2013; bonuses for WHAT? The answer is bonuses for being present and for being protected by the NTEU who negotiated the bonuses.

....we can’t trust a government that continues to mislead readers and listeners worldwide with words of determination backed by actions of confusion and abject failure.

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JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The socialist president FDR opposed federal unions for just this very reason.