ECCIE Search

busternutzs's Avatar
I got a question from a member about searching cell numbers on ECCIE.

Which leads me to this question. Why is the search only programed to search the last four digits of a telephone number and not the whole 10 digit number? Is there something that can be changed in the programing to search the 10 digit number to make the search process more efficient? After all we are taught to search telephone numbers not just the last four digits.

I`d also like to encourage members to take the time when doing a request for intel to take the time and include the providers name, the cell number along with the link to her ad.

Can this be forwarded to the administration for consideration?

Phrasing's Avatar
Good recommendation.
CryptKicker's Avatar
I'm thinking that there was something said about there being a limitation in search on this version of vBulletin. I'll check
CryptKicker's Avatar
Sir I apologize that you haven't received more than one response to your question. I have heard nothing back from this inquiry. When I do, you will.
busternutzs's Avatar

I owe you an apology. Somehow I missed your original reply to my question. I don't know how but I did.

I know it's not like you not to reply to questions to the staff or my personal PMs. Your replies are most usually very prompt.

Thanks for answering and again I'm sorry.
The search results from a site is dependent on how the search algorithm for the site's database (where data from the site is stored) is programmed. For a search to successfully yield a return/result, there has to exist a matching string (sequence of characters) on the database which the search algorithm presents to the requestor (user). In this case a phone number. The phone number input text box is not restricted to a specific sequence. One can enter numbers as XXX-YYY-ZZZZ or XXXYYYZZZZ or XXX YYY ZZZZ. This play major roles to how the numbers are stored on the database and recognized/read by the search algorithm.

XXX-YYY-ZZZZ and XXX YYY ZZZZ contain three sequences of characters, "-" and "space" are not recognized characters. XXXYYYZZZZ contain one sequence of characters. So a search of ZZZZ will only return a matching string/sequence which, from example above, exists in XXX-YYY-ZZZZ and XXX YYY ZZZZ but does not exist in XXXYYYZZZZ.

If the number 111-222-3333 exists on the defined search area, West Texas section of Eccie for example, one can input 111-222-3333 and get a search results of thread and/or posts in the West Texas section that contains 111-222-3333 and 111 222 3333 but will not return results containing 1112223333 unless inserted as such in the search box. A search of 3333 will return numbers containing a sequence that matches 3333 - it will return 111 222 3333 and 222-111-3333 if they exist but will not return 2221113333 because it is unable to recognize the 3333 in this case as a separate sequence.

My. $0.02 - the belief that one can search only the last four numbers may have been (a). a limitation in the previous versions of the site's search algorithm (not sure) or (b). that it will present more hits to the requestor and optimize the search result. (which is true) or (c). given the unrestricted sequence type of the phone number, it is more likely for one to type a number in three sequences

When I search for numbers, I use the one sequence and the three sequences(with spaces or dashes). If the number exists in both sequences, I am able to view them in different search results.