An Escort on Video

KristenDiAngelo's Avatar
I have gone back and forth with the idea, of putting together a non explicit video sort of as an advertisement, but it was much harder than I thought. The idea of showing you who I am, but not showing you was intriguing to me. The internet seems to have become such a way of life and a means for us to stay connected, but at the same time, we're glued to a piece of machinery, and who we are is often hidden. So I made this video out of little bits of my adult videos...which was sort of crazy as I can't show my face or any distinguishing marks...I know that a lot of escorts do, but with my clients...well, it's not in anyone's best interest. The first draft was done last night and I posted it on my youtube, and on my myspace account. So, the reason, I'm posting this, is do any of you know someone who has done this and has any advice? It's not my best work by any means, but then, that's a bit more explicit and somehow, doesn't fit with the mainstream internet idea...


Kristen DiAngelo
I think a video is a great idea, and it's been one I've been playing with ever since seeing allows girls to post video. It's a pity there seems to be zero traffic on GA, but at least the idea is good.

Even a video of a woman walking away, or dancing around a little bit, or showing your smile (if you can), or some audio of your laugh would, I think, be awesome for potential clients. Hell, I'm sure guys would happily watch a sexy short yoga video that doesn't show your face

At least, that's my plan
whitechocolate's Avatar
I think a video that shows a providers body in as sexy a manner as possible would be great for ads. Here is link to one provider in Houston who is doing it:
Mojojo's Avatar
Kristen in fact my SA/ATX ATF Angelina Adams has been doing it for some time now. I think its a great idea because you see what you are getting. Im almost sure she is one of the originators of the idea, if not at least a pioneer of it. Angelina's pictures put the idea of seeing her in my head but the video of her amazing body in full motion sealed the deal!

She had a link directing you to her youtube motion video's but the rules on youtube are getting stricter over time.
there are many that advertise on youtube...i think that is cool. they introduce themselves and say call me if you like what you see. they say a pic is worth a thousand words but a we in a whole different ballpark.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
I think a short clip is a great idea.
KristenDiAngelo's Avatar here is what I put together from clips of my videos...see what you think. It is still a work in progress, but I'll get there.

I hope it links right...
Naomi4u's Avatar here is what I put together from clips of my videos...see what you think. It is still a work in progress, but I'll get there.

I hope it links right... Originally Posted by KristenDiAngelo
:O Made me want to book a session hehe. Yeah you did a fantastic job!
txtodie's Avatar here is what I put together from clips of my videos...see what you think. It is still a work in progress, but I'll get there.

I hope it links right... Originally Posted by KristenDiAngelo

I'm an amateur (somewhat-used to work television) videographer and I've often wondered why more women don't use video. My personal opinion-video is much stronger marketing than just seeing pics (I believe the video you made proves that). And if you have a good voice or can add some sensual music (as you have), you are appealing to both someone's sight and sound-creating a more sensory experience for the viewer-and isn't that what one wants- a more sensory experience btw- your video is outstanding. Very nicely done, quite sensual, and leaving one curious and wanting more :P
jsparrow's Avatar
Great start. Moving in the right direction. You look gorgeous.
IMHO: I'd showcase YOU and lose the guy(s) I'm not "that guy" and I would want to fantasize about ME with you.
ben dover's Avatar
Love the video but agree with jsparrow..lose the guy. Great website also. Very well done, great photos, you're beautiful for sure. 10!...BD
London Rayne's Avatar
Reece Mclain and Victoria Jolie both have excellent videos. You can see their listings here.
TexasFlip's Avatar
Wow Kristen! Very impressed...

Here is the video of one of my favorites, Carmen St. James. I booked her immediately after seeing this video:
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Good Job Kristen! Nice!
That took me back to the teenage days watchin SkinaMax after everyone was asleep in the house......very nice.