U.S. workers without protective gear assisted coronavirus evacuees, HHS whistleblower says

Jaxson66's Avatar
Officials at the Department of Health and Human Services sent more than a dozen workers to receive the first Americans evacuated from Wuhan, China, the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak, without proper training for infection control or appropriate protective gear, according to a whistleblower complaint.

The workers did not show symptoms of infection and were not tested for the virus, according to lawyers for the whistleblower, who is a senior HHS official based in Washington who oversees workers at the Administration for Children and Families, a unit within HHS.

The whistleblower is seeking federal protection because she alleges she was unfairly and improperly reassigned after raising concerns about the safety of these workers to HHS officials, including those within the office of Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar. She was told Feb. 19 that if she does not accept the new position in 15 days, which is March 5, she would be terminated.

The whistleblower has decades of experience in the field, received two HHS department awards from Azar last year and has received the highest performance evaluations, her lawyers said.


Goddamn! Un fucking believable!
Old news. Please point me to your outrage when the CDC/Obama got hospital workers killed and put at risk when they downplayed the ebola outbreak 3 years ago.

I'll wait.
JA666 what did the exposure do to you brain...could only be an improvement...
Did it unscramble your brains and fry them over easy??
Jaxson66's Avatar
Old news. Please point me to your outrage when the CDC/Obama got hospital workers killed and put at risk when they downplayed the ebola outbreak 3 years ago.

I'll wait. Originally Posted by gnadfly
So, it’s Obama’s fault the responders didn’t have the proper training or gear to be treating people who were removed from a hot spot?...Nope, you want to deflect...big surprise!
Jaxson66's Avatar
JA666 what did the exposure do to you brain...could only be an improvement...
Did it unscramble your brains and fry them over easy?? Originally Posted by bb1961
You need to ask yourself, what toxicity levels are you building in your cranium from scarfing those shit sandwiches?
So, it’s Obama’s fault the responders didn’t have the proper training or gear to be treating people who were removed from a hot spot?...Nope, you want to deflect...big surprise! Originally Posted by Jaxson66
It's not Trump's either if that's what your goofy ass was trying to insinuate. It's the fault of the workers and their immediate supervisors. Besides what was suppose to constitute protective gear it was unclear in the article, and how is anyone to know this article may possibly be bogus?
rexdutchman's Avatar
Still waiting Jaxoffs.
It's not Trump's either if that's what your goofy ass was trying to insinuate. It's the fault of the workers and their immediate supervisors. Besides what was suppose to constitute protective gear it was unclear in the article, and how is anyone to know this article may possibly be bogus? Originally Posted by Levianon17
The other thing is the CDC had 20+ years to formulate policies, procedures and methods to combat the recent Ebola outbreak and they failed. The CV19 virus the CDC had weeks and they were probably lied to by the Chinese.
Hotrod511's Avatar
Still waiting Jaxoffs. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Jaxass66 has Trump Derangement Syndrome and he is brain dead most the time
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Ebola is a level 4 bio.
CronaV is a level 2.
Bio suits are only recomended for level 4.
So whomever, totally overreacted, is probably unfamiliar with protocols and cried wolf.
  • oeb11
  • 02-28-2020, 05:37 PM
Level 2. Biosafety level two would cover work with agents associated with human disease, in other words, pathogenic or infectious organisms posing a moderate hazard. Examples are the equine encephalitis viruses and HIV when performing routine diagnostic procedures or work with clinical specimens.

General Guidelines (for working with potentially infectious materials)

Laboratory workers should wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) which includes disposable gloves, laboratory coat/gown and eye protection when handling potentially infectious specimens.
Any procedure with the potential to generate aerosols or droplets (e.g., vortexing) should be performed in a certified Class II Biological Safety Cabinet (BSC). Appropriate physical containment devices (e.g., centrifuge safety buckets; sealed rotors) should be used for centrifugation. Ideally, rotors and buckets should be loaded and unloaded in a BSC. For any procedures outside of a BSC, eye and face protection (e.g. goggles, mask, face shield) or other physical barriers (e.g. splash shield) should be used to minimize the risk of exposure to laboratory staff.
After specimens are processed, decontaminate work surfaces and equipment with appropriate disinfectants. Use EPA-registered hospital disinfectants with label claims to be effective against other respiratory pathogens, such as seasonal influenza and other human coronaviruses. Follow manufacturer’s recommendations for use – dilution (i.e., concentration), contact time, and care in handling.
For SARS-CoV-2 laboratory waste, follow standard procedures associated with other respiratory pathogens, such as seasonal influenza and other human coronaviruses.

FYI - UC is correct!
Jaxson66's Avatar
Jaxass66 has Trump Derangement Syndrome and he is brain dead most the time Originally Posted by Hotrod511
How coronavirus has deeply flummoxed conservative media

Imagine you were the host of a show on Fox News right now, with the entire country focused on the potential for the coronavirus to turn into a pandemic.

What would you be saying?

In a world where even a hint of ambiguity or uncertainty goes against everything they stand for, conservative media are positively flummoxed. Is this a threat, or isn’t it? Is it dramatic, and therefore all the more important that we rally behind President Trump’s heroic and inspiring efforts to keep us safe, or is it all a big hoax? And how can we blame the whole thing on the Democrats?

This is the dilemma they’re facing, and they haven’t yet figured out how to resolve it. Let’s take a quick tour around some of the madness:

Rush Limbaugh saw a conspiracy at work, claiming that Dr. Nancy Messonnier, the director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, must be overhyping the danger as a way to undermine Trump because her brother is Rod Rosenstein, the former deputy attorney general.

Tucker Carlson claimed that the media underhyped the threat of the virus, insisting bizarrely that Americans had been told “if you think maybe we ought to take some steps to protect ourselves from it, then you’re a bigot.”

Laura Ingraham speculated that China is trying to use the virus to damage Trump’s reelection, “if they can pull that off.”


The fat lying bastards far right wing pundits seem to be running low on Vagisil and truth.
  • oeb11
  • 02-28-2020, 05:54 PM
here is j666 - the expert in Virology - claiming everyone else is a "Liar" - because in his tired, old narrative - It is all he has.

Why not provide your expert answer to the world Cornavirus problem , j666. ???
Got anything constructive to Add - At All???
Misquoting Tucker Carlson is just standard for your narrative - and adds nothing.

all you have is Trump accusations of "'Liar" - nothing constructive .

Hmmm j666???
For Once in your life - can you add anything other than everyone your oppose is a 'Liar"????

What is your medical expertise in virology and BLS levels in working with viruses?? What are your qualifications and training to complain and criticize??
Zip - just another foolish fascist DPST parroting the narrative out of Ignorance!
Jaxson66's Avatar
Level 2. Biosafety level two would cover work with agents associated with human disease, in other words, pathogenic or infectious organisms posing a moderate hazard. Examples are the equine encephalitis viruses and HIV when performing routine diagnostic procedures or work with clinical specimens.

General Guidelines (for working with potentially infectious materials)

Laboratory workers should wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) which includes disposable gloves, laboratory coat/gown and eye protection when handling potentially infectious specimens.
Any procedure with the potential to generate aerosols or droplets (e.g., vortexing) should be performed in a certified Class II Biological Safety Cabinet (BSC). Appropriate physical containment devices (e.g., centrifuge safety buckets; sealed rotors) should be used for centrifugation. Ideally, rotors and buckets should be loaded and unloaded in a BSC. For any procedures outside of a BSC, eye and face protection (e.g. goggles, mask, face shield) or other physical barriers (e.g. splash shield) should be used to minimize the risk of exposure to laboratory staff.
After specimens are processed, decontaminate work surfaces and equipment with appropriate disinfectants. Use EPA-registered hospital disinfectants with label claims to be effective against other respiratory pathogens, such as seasonal influenza and other human coronaviruses. Follow manufacturer’s recommendations for use – dilution (i.e., concentration), contact time, and care in handling.
For SARS-CoV-2 laboratory waste, follow standard procedures associated with other respiratory pathogens, such as seasonal influenza and other human coronaviruses.

FYI - UC is correct! Originally Posted by oeb11
And your point is what? They should have brushed up on their reading before moving people from a infected hot zone through a uninfected population...

or maybe their wasn’t Pt. Encapsulating suits in their supply’s, maybe someone somewhere cut the budget and made a decision to save the money for the wall.