POTUS Reassures America

Solemate62's Avatar
POTUS, Pig of the United States, with VP Mike Poodle at his side, appeared on TV recently to tell us all that the coronavirus is not a threat to America. If any of you still have doubts please consider that in spite of the fact that Trump lies on the average of 15 times daily, he has a lifetime of dealing with Swine Flu which derives it’s name from the common pig. So, Trumptards, and any possible doubters in the Political Realm, sleep easy - Chief Pig has a grip on this crisis!
POTUS, Pig of the United States, with VP Mike Poodle at his side, appeared on TV recently to tell us all that the coronavirus is not a threat to America. If any of you still have doubts please consider that in spite of the fact that Trump lies on the average of 15 times daily, he has a lifetime of dealing with Swine Flu which derives it’s name from the common pig. So, Trumptards, and any possible doubters in the Political Realm, sleep easy - Chief Pig has a grip on this crisis! Originally Posted by Solemate62
Nobody in America has died from this strain of Coronavirus as of yet. Maybe Trump is right. Besides you don't know a dam thing about this Virus. You're just another stupid little wimpy ass Liberal that has nothing better to do but complain about Trump. Grow the fuck up.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-28-2020, 07:09 AM
Nobody in America has died from this strain of Coronavirus as of yet. Maybe Trump is right. Besides you don't know a dam thing about this Virus. You're just another stupid little wimpy ass Liberal that has nothing better to do but complain about Trump. Grow the fuck up. Originally Posted by Levianon17
The stock market so far has not listened to either you or Trump this week.

Even if we do not have even one person get sick from this....the disruption of the supply chain will effect this country. Maybe you , ff and TWK are buying into the eye of the storm but many others are not.

And folks see news of others countries not containing this....there is nothing Trump can do to stop their fears.

rexdutchman's Avatar
Gee let see maybe 100,000 have it an 600 billion on the earth ? my math isn't that good but less that flu numbers
The stock market so far has not listened to either you or Trump this week.

Even if we do not have even one person get sick from this....the disruption of the supply chain will effect this country. Maybe you , ff and TWK are buying into the eye of the storm but many others are not.

And folks see news of others countries not containing this....there is nothing Trump can do to stop their fears.

Originally Posted by WTF
I guess they need to come up with a vaccine real quick so the Stock Market can recover, lol.
  • oeb11
  • 02-28-2020, 08:04 AM
Per tony fauci- at best a corona virus vaccine is a year away in the US.

Corona virus is very mutable - the common cold virus is a corona virus - with no vaccine despite lots of research. Difficult to develop a vaccine - the flu virus mutates more slowly - so each year's vaccine is different. some more effective, some year's less effective.
Jaxson66's Avatar
I guess they need to come up with a vaccine real quick so the Stock Market can recover, lol. Originally Posted by Levianon17
All the experts believe a vaccine is 12 to 18 months away. But yesterday the fat lying bastard implied there’s a miracle coming...Pence must have told him how he plans a world wide prayer group to stop the spread.

Looks like investors aren’t heeding the reassurances of the lying bastard.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-28-2020, 09:15 AM
Per tony fauci- at best a corona virus vaccine is a year away in the US.

Corona virus is very mutable - the common cold virus is a corona virus - with no vaccine despite lots of research. Difficult to develop a vaccine - the flu virus mutates more slowly - so each year's vaccine is different. some more effective, some year's less effective. Originally Posted by oeb11
Excellent points oeb11.

As this virus relates to the stock market, it is not dropping because of deaths like some seem to think but because of the disruption it can cause on supply chains.

I'm not sure your thoughts on the virus but mine are that in events in human history this will not even be a blip. I doubt it kills many and very few if any in this country. But if it goes on for months ….it could effect the political race in 2020 and that could be its lasting effect.

I do not see that happening. Maybe though this has triggered a mild recession.

It is kinda odd that those folks that wanted to downsize and badmouth government are the same ones wanting a cure and stringent actions from GOVERNMENT!
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Per tony fauci- at best a corona virus vaccine is a year away in the US.

Corona virus is very mutable - the common cold virus is a corona virus - with no vaccine despite lots of research. Difficult to develop a vaccine - the flu virus mutates more slowly - so each year's vaccine is different. some more effective, some year's less effective. Originally Posted by oeb11
Very true. Well said.
The stock market so far has not listened to either you or Trump this week.

Even if we do not have even one person get sick from this....the disruption of the supply chain will effect this country. Maybe you , ff and TWK are buying into the eye of the storm but many others are not.

And folks see news of others countries not containing this....there is nothing Trump can do to stop their fears.

Originally Posted by WTF
While the market is down the stock I bought yesterday is up 10.8% right now.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-28-2020, 10:41 AM
While the market is down the stock I bought yesterday is up 10.8% right now. Originally Posted by friendly fred
Did you buy stock in coffins?
All the experts believe a vaccine is 12 to 18 months away. But yesterday the fat lying bastard implied there’s a miracle coming...Pence must have told him how he plans a world wide prayer group to stop the spread.

Looks like investors aren’t heeding the reassurances of the lying bastard. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
A vaccine can't be market ready in 18 months. If one shows up there's no way it's safety and effectiveness can be assured.
The libtards say...the sky to falling...the sky is falling!!
  • oeb11
  • 02-28-2020, 11:56 AM
Tony Fauci of the NIH spoke day before yesteday with trump - and a year was his stated timetable.

It is ambitious - and I suspect they are pulling out the stops for development.
It encompasses two studies - hopefully something for next year on vaccine therapy
also a number of companies studying anti-virals to combat the corona virus.

We shall see -

Thank you for your support - L 17

Thank you for your comment - SR !
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
POTUS, Pig of the United States, with VP Mike Poodle at his side, appeared on TV recently to tell us all that the coronavirus is not a threat to America. If any of you still have doubts please consider that in spite of the fact that Trump lies on the average of 15 times daily, he has a lifetime of dealing with Swine Flu which derives it’s name from the common pig. So, Trumptards, and any possible doubters in the Political Realm, sleep easy - Chief Pig has a grip on this crisis! Originally Posted by Solemate62

i find it reassuring you are not reassured by Trump's reassurance ..