For those who insist on continuing to tell lies about the President.

gfejunkie's Avatar
A timely article from the Associated Press about the lies being told by the demoncRAT candidates about the President and the Coronavirus...

Fact check time!

Continuing to spread conspiracy theories and plain old outright lies just makes you look like a fool.
Solemate62's Avatar
Here’s a lie for you, in fact, several:
Trump ....

Tells the truth always
Does not eat Putin’s ass
Did not dodge the draft during the Vietnam war
Does not suck the NRAs ass
Did make Mexico pay for the wall
Does not appease White Racists
Is the best president in history
Cares deeply about dolts like the OP of this thread
LexusLover's Avatar
Here’s a lie for you, ... Originally Posted by Solemate62
So who does get your vote this coming Fall?

The Communist
Alheimer's Joe
The Fake Indian
The Arrest All Minorities Mayor
The Boy Scout Mayor
The 7% Senator
The Hold 3-time Loser Hag

Just curious! But if you want to wait until tomorrow to answer ... No Problem!

Here's another list for you!

The HasBeen Predator
The Socialist
The Fake Indian
The BoyScout Mayor
The OldWhiteTrader Billionaire
Or the FatOldHagLoser Predator-Facilitator as a "Compromise"!!!!

"The Blue Wave"!!!!!!!!!!!!
gfejunkie's Avatar
Here’s a lie for you, in fact, several:
Trump ....

Tells the truth always
Does not eat Putin’s ass
Did not dodge the draft during the Vietnam war
Does not suck the NRAs ass
Did make Mexico pay for the wall
Does not appease White Racists
Is the best president in history
Cares deeply about dolts like the OP of this thread Originally Posted by Solemate62
Fact check time!

Continuing to spread conspiracy theories and plain old outright lies just makes you look like a fool. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
And, there you have it.

Please consider self-quarantine. You're spreading dumb-assery.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-29-2020, 07:38 AM
A timely article from the Associated Press about the lies being told by the demoncRAT candidates about the President and the Coronavirus...

Fact check time!

Continuing to spread conspiracy theories and plain old outright lies just makes you look like a fool. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
I wonder where they got that Fear Factor idea from?

  • oeb11
  • 02-29-2020, 07:41 AM
ftw fears Trump - but not Open Borders and a welfare state to care for his MS-13 darlings.
rexdutchman's Avatar
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-29-2020, 08:23 AM
ftw fears Trump - but not Open Borders and a welfare state to care for his MS-13 darlings. Originally Posted by oeb11
Are you lying about me again?

  • oeb11
  • 02-29-2020, 09:11 AM
Thank you ftw - me thinks the Fascist DPST doth protest "ineffectually" - like the Fascist DPST platforms.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Yup predictably irrational responses ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
LexusLover's Avatar
It's not surprising that the SocialistLiberalAntiTrumpers ....

... would be irrational these days! They have been for over 3 years now!
Yeah if I wanted to listen to a boatload of lies I'd just pay attention to any of the Dumbocrats campaign commercials ..... the funniest are where Bernie or Blumberg blather "I will get things done!" ..... guess neither one of them got the memo, since his first day in office Trump has been getting it done ..... it's time to pick another, or maybe a better lie, to attack Trump with .....
HoeHummer's Avatar
ftw fears Trump - but not Open Borders and a welfare state to care for his MS-13 darlings. Originally Posted by oeb11
Originally Posted by rexdutchman
Always two, there are.

HoeHummer's Avatar
Thank you ftw - me thinks the Fascist DPST doth protest "ineffectually" - like the Fascist DPST platforms. Originally Posted by oeb11
Yup predictably irrational responses ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Originally Posted by rexdutchman
Always two, theres are, or is this four?

BlisswithKriss's Avatar
A timely article from the Associated Press about the lies being told by the demoncRAT candidates about the President and the Coronavirus...

Fact check time!

Continuing to spread conspiracy theories and plain old outright lies just makes you look like a fool. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Well if you do your research about the mountain of lies peddled by “it’s a HOAX” Trump you will find he’s LIED or spewed misinformation at least 15000 times. The past 3 yrs And it’s probably more. I watched him on TV the other night and he lied 5 times as I counted them. You can’t get any better or a newspaper with integrity like The NY Times. That’s keeping track of the Trump Crime Synducate lying machine. Aren’t you fed up top of his LIES and propaganda. I am. It’s not one of your reptilian possum eating Reich wing swamp pig rags like the Daily Caller or Breitfart.spews. They wallow in sewage too with Trump and his LIES So if anything it’s bozos like YOU that’s foolish. I bet my pet chihuahua has a higher IQ than you. Your IQ must be in double digits. You should join your local dumb and dumber club. You’d fit right in there. Trump is a liar a fraud a con man and a criminal. And I shall keep on beating you over the head with it. So there you go. Foolish boy ha ha