Corn Pop FrankenBiden lives! it's ALIVE! BAHHAA

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

Corn Pop FrankenBiden lives! did everyone .. well some .. in their bash fest of Evil Lord Trump forget the South Carolina primary was today?

is this the beginning of the end for the Bernie Bro movement? maybe. if it was Trump the leftanista press would be saying so. like they did every day in 2016 right up until he clinched the nomination in a walk off home run vote. exactly what the DemonTards need .. but probably won't get. instead they'll get a clusterfuck.

Biden scores a victory in South Carolina, AP projects

Vice President Joe Biden notched his first victory of the 2020 Democratic presidential primary on Saturday with a win in South Carolina, which his campaign hopes will halt the momentum of Sen. Bernie Sanders and reset the race heading into Super Tuesday.

The Associated Press declared Biden the winner shortly after polls closed in the state at 7 p.m. ET. Sanders, the AP projected, would finish in second place in South Carolina.

Biden drew robust support from African-Americans in South Carolina, who make up nearly 60 percent of the state’s Democratic electorate. Sanders has worked hard to build alliances with African-Americans after being trounced by Hillary Clinton in South Carolina in 2016. However, the best-known black politician in the state, Rep. James Clyburn, endorsed Biden.

After a strong second-place showing in Nevada’s caucuses, Biden promised during a Tuesday debate in Charleston that he would prevail in South Carolina.

“I will win South Carolina,” Biden said.
Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden. (AP Photo/Gerry Broome)

The state awards 54 pledged delegates on a proportional basis, and Biden will take the majority based on the final percentage of the vote he receives. Before Saturday’s vote, Sanders was leading the field with 45 delegates. Pete Buttigieg had earned 26, while Biden had 15.

Biden will need to continue to build on his momentum on Super Tuesday, especially in Southern states like Texas, North Carolina, Tennessee and Alabama. These have a more conservative electorate than places like California, Colorado and Massachusetts, which would seem to favor Sanders.

Another state where Biden could do well next Tuesday is Virginia, and shortly after Biden was declared the winner in South Carolina, the state’s former governor, Terry McAuliffe, endorsed him and called on Democratic candidates Tom Steyer, Amy Klobuchar and Pete Buttigieg to drop out of the race. McAuliffe said Michael Bloomberg should also “take a look” at dropping out.

Bloomerpuddin' wasn't even on the ballot. he's not dropping out yet .. he'll wait till after Super Tuesday

That sentiment was echoed by Biden press secretary TJ Ducklo.

“If you are a candidate and you have not shown that you can get traction with the core of the Democratic Party, with African American voters, then you have to take a hard look at your path and what your goals are,” Ducklo said Saturday.
Chung Tran's Avatar
first ever Primary/Caucus win for Biden, in the 4 tries at running for President.

Biden was able to characterize himself as Obama, in the same way GW Bush made us think Sadam Hussein was Osama Bin Laden.

some people anyway.. some sad sad people.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
first ever Primary/Caucus win for Biden, in the 4 tries at running for President.

Biden was able to characterize himself as Obama, in the same way GW Bush made us think Sadam Hussein was Osama Bin Laden.

some people anyway.. some sad sad people. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

yes it is. in fact he'd never finished better than 4th place until today.
bambino's Avatar
He’ll be gone after Tuesday. So will Bloomberg.
Chung Tran's Avatar
yes it is. in fact he'd never finished better than 4th place until today. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I didn't realize he was THAT bad.

but I predict SC will be Biden's only win.. ever.

and decades from now, people of sanity will look back and have a small giggle, remembering Leap Day 2020.
HoeHummer's Avatar
Trump will get coronavirus and yous will have to vote for Bidens.

LOLLING shitholians.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
first ever Primary/Caucus win for Biden, in the 4 tries at running for President.

.... Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Scary isn't it? The thought of Sanders beating Biden is only surpassed by Biden beating Sanders. DNC must be in full freak out mode.


He’ll be gone after Tuesday. So will Bloomberg. Originally Posted by bambino
I'm still thinking Bloomberg will run indy if he doesn't get the nom. I can't see him throwing $400 million to help Bernie get elected. Or Biden.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Scary isn't it? The thought of Sanders beating Biden is only surpassed by Biden beating Sanders. DNC must be in full freak out mode.


I'm still thinking Bloomberg will run indy if he doesn't get the nom. I can't see him throwing $400 million to help Bernie get elected. Or Biden. Originally Posted by gnadfly

lol. he has to be smart enough to know that all but hands the election to Trump .. and yet he'd do it anyway? and back the DNC nominee? i mean .. he's got the money .. but what's the point? it's self defeating like playing russian roulette with a howitzer.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
didn't realize the sc primary was on a leap day...

which won't appear on the calendar for 4 years.
bambino's Avatar
Plugs is only 8 delegates behind Bernie!!!!!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Plugs is only 8 delegates behind Bernie!!!!! Originally Posted by bambino

so it's coming down to the Plugs vs. BernieTard show? are they gonna challenge each other to a pushup contest at the next debate? thumb wresting for the nomination? which one is less senile than the other?

  • oeb11
  • 03-01-2020, 06:51 AM
Only a tiny % of the voters for the DNC convention are decided. planning a takeover and a brokered nomination.

will be fun to see Bernie's reaction, and that of his Bros, when screwed over a second time - and he knows it is his last chance. There will be riots in milwaukee.
super Tuesday

get out your vote for bernie
  • oeb11
  • 03-01-2020, 06:59 AM
NGIT - +1

Vote Bernie for DPST nominee for nov 2020!!!!