Trump: Moron in Chief

Solemate62's Avatar
It takes a moron to nominate a moron, Humpty Trumpty is again to put forth a dumb fuck from Texas, Rep. Ratcliffe as the next Director of National Intelligence! The ultimate oxymoron, right? Using the name Trump with the word ‘intelligence’ in the same line! Trump ass kissers, you have my blessing to Google the word ‘oxymoron’ and no, it does not mean ‘stupid oxygen’
  • oeb11
  • 03-01-2020, 08:12 AM
name-calling, scatology - the usual Fascist DPST stock in trade.

Another for the CP Ignore list!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
It takes a moron to nominate a moron, Humpty Trumpty is again to put forth a dumb fuck from Texas, Rep. Ratcliffe as the next Director of National Intelligence! The ultimate oxymoron, right? Using the name Trump with the word ‘intelligence’ in the same line! Trump ass kissers, you have my blessing to Google the word ‘oxymoron’ and no, it does not mean ‘stupid oxygen’ Originally Posted by Solemate62
so .. when's your request to disable your account gonna be approved?

asking for a friend.
LexusLover's Avatar
It takes a moron .... Originally Posted by Solemate62
He has a net worth of a little over $ 3 billion ... and yours?

Just asking. I don't expect you to reply, even if you didn't lie!
bambino's Avatar
Digesting all that toe fungus must have destroyed what was left of SoleTrannies brain.
BlisswithKriss's Avatar
He has a net worth of a little over $ 3 billion ... and yours?

Just asking. I don't expect you to reply, even if you didn't lie! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Oh really ? $3 Billion eh? Wow thats a lot of dosh.

So how would YOU know if that number is fact or fiction? Just asking.

Do YOU believe everything pertaining to Trump is true? Are you THAT Gullible ?

And how Does anyone know if thats true if Trump won't show his tax returns....and his profit and loss accounts. like a good upstanding citizen would......

Especially when he BRAGS a lot about how RICH he is....yeah I've seen him.

Apparently his lame excuse is that either they're "under audit" OR if he showed them we wouldn't be able to understand them....yeah right Don.

However I can qualify for something that The DON can't....
I have a small business that makes $$$...No I'm not worth billions but what my company can do is QUALIFY for a LOAN from a US based financial institution for as much as $500K. I've turned them all down..
In CONTRAST Trump can't even get a LOAN from any US based bank...
You know why...Because he has stiffed so many folks out of their money and has gone BANKRUPT 6 yes.....6 Times.

He calls that success ?

Ask Deutsche Bank about the details. Trump owes them TON of money and
who knows if he will ever pay them back. Probably not.
So Don The Con has to go cap in hand to the Russian Mafia for money...
Thats why he's in bed with the Ruskies.....

IMHO I believe he's NOT a Billionaire...Not even close. I believe he's technically Insolvent and his creditors dare not foreclose on him.. They lose no matter what.
If anything he's a Billionaire of DEBT. and lots of it. But I give it to him...He's convinced a lot of folks that he is a billionaire...He just can't prove it beyond a reasonable doubt. He just LIES a lot so if he can pony up the proof then great.....lets see it..
But I bet we will never find out...He's a devious bastard.. and he's fighting tooth and nail for Deutsche Bank NOT to reveal his tax returns.

So what exactly are you hiding Donald.....Put your money and tax returns where your big mouth is...

Yeah I know.....wishful thinking. Sorry, but I think he's a CON ARTIST and thats it.
perhaps it because I'm not that naive and I concentrate on the numbers. you should too.
BlisswithKriss's Avatar
name-calling, scatology - the usual Fascist DPST stock in trade.

Another for the CP Ignore list!
LOL Originally Posted by oeb11
Quite right....I’ve got a very long list too. I just can’t stand uneducated people.
Who don’t do their research. That’s why it’s easy for me to counter any falsehoods peddled to make Trump look good.
  • oeb11
  • 03-01-2020, 10:56 AM
Go read about influenza- and enjoy congregating with your own kind of "educated people"!
LexusLover's Avatar
Oh really ? $3 Billion eh? Originally Posted by BlisswithKriss
Plus he won an election before he even ran for PTA President!!!!

And beat the Clintons!!!!!!!!!!!!

Try to keep your eye on the ball!

Oh, yea, did I ask you who your candidate is for the upcoming POTUS election in the Fall?

The HasBeen Predator
The Socialist
The Fake Indian
The BoyScout Mayor
The OldWhiteTrader Billionaire
Or the FatOldHagLoser Predator-Facilitator as a "Compromise"!!!!
Hotrod511's Avatar
It takes a moron like me to say stupid shit! Originally Posted by Solemate62

BlisswithKriss's Avatar
Go read about influenza- and enjoy congregating with your own kind of "educated people"! Originally Posted by oeb11
Yeah you’re dead right about that.
Not many of my “kind” around here
Truly educated people are hard to find these days

You’re not one of them
Well, you just said it and I’m agreeing with you.
Now move along that’s good fellow
Lapdog's Avatar
Plus he won an election before he even ran for PTA President!!!!

And beat the Clintons!!!!!!!!!!!!

Try to keep your eye on the ball!

Oh, yea, did I ask you who your candidate is for the upcoming POTUS election in the Fall?

The HasBeen Predator
The Socialist
The Fake Indian
The BoyScout Mayor
The OldWhiteTrader Billionaire
Or the FatOldHagLoser Predator-Facilitator as a "Compromise"!!!!
Originally Posted by LexusLover
Pull your own pud, junior. Trump's winning an election the first time he tried actually speaks volumes about the ignorance of his voters a lot more so than any political acumen he may have. SMH
Hotrod511's Avatar
Yeah you’re dead right about that.
Not many of my “kind” around here
Truly educated people are hard to find these days

You’re not one of them
Well, you just said it and I’m agreeing with you.
Now move along that’s good fellow Originally Posted by BlisswithKriss

BlisswithKriss's Avatar
Plus he won an election before he even ran for PTA President!!!!

And beat the Clintons!!!!!!!!!!!!

Try to keep your eye on the ball!

Oh, yea, did I ask you who your candidate is for the upcoming POTUS election in the Fall?

The HasBeen Predator
The Socialist
The Fake Indian
The BoyScout Mayor
The OldWhiteTrader Billionaire
Or the FatOldHagLoser Predator-Facilitator as a "Compromise"!!!!
Originally Posted by LexusLover
PTA President ?
What in the world has that got to do with the “price of eggs?” There is no relation to what I wrote. Are you smoking something weird
Wow you really are scratching for something to say
I’ve come to realize that Trump supporters are the most uneducated and dumbest folks in existence. So I just come on here to expose your ignorance.
It’s all a big game to me. Rile folks up...yeah !
And as I’m a European by descent I share my views with my buddies all over the world on different forums because they’re under the impression that Americans are smart people. Sorry but we saw straight thru Trump years ago.
We all have a good laugh about that snippet of fiction. Now we realize that Trump is even worse than we first thought.
And thanks for giving me a gobbledygook reply to my recent piece about Trump and his fake claims to be a billionaire. Well you never read it and it goes to show I research unlike you. Trump voters just can’t stand the truth...and I don’t care about the Clinton’s...they’re gone !!
Hey Bro you’ve gotta seek the truth. Get off your ASS and go find might learn something, but I won’t hold my breath on that one. Cheers
HoeHummer's Avatar