Schumer must be censured......

bambino's Avatar
For making this statement in front of the SCOTUS at a rally of pro choice extremists:

Totally disgraceful. He must be slapped down.
Redhot1960's Avatar
HoeHummer's Avatar

That’s some rowdy behaviour, boys!

He almost sounds Presidential, eh?

Slaps him down, big shooter!
BlisswithKriss's Avatar
Ultra Reich wing crybabies belly aching over what Chuck says...

Nothing better to do

I’m sure the Dems couldn’t care less.

LexusLover's Avatar
Ultra Reich wing crybabies ... Originally Posted by BlisswithKriss

Pot calling Kettle ... You snotty nosed losers have continually failed at your "re-direction"!!!

... break out the 4-year towel. Biden's your candidate!
gfejunkie's Avatar
You know damn good and well that if a Republican Senator had said anything close about the liberal judges they would have already been forced to resign.

Remind me again why Northam is still Governor???
Schumer could kill a just born baby on fifth avenue and the press would cheer him.
schumer wanted to be seen as down for the cause

he's too dumb and too sycophantic to not get carried away when he's trying to act righteous in front of a crowd

so he put on his best imitation of a I have a dream speech

he's not woke, he's just a suck up
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-05-2020, 07:21 AM

That’s some rowdy behaviour, boys!

He almost sounds Presidential, eh?

Slaps him down, big shooter! Originally Posted by HoeHummer
Ultra Reich wing crybabies belly aching over what Chuck says...

Nothing better to do

I’m sure the Dems couldn’t care less.

Next Originally Posted by BlisswithKriss
Our right wing Snowflakes are out in Force today...

  • oeb11
  • 03-05-2020, 07:23 AM
Thank You ftw - your vision of the Right wing needs an immediate visit to an eye doctor.

Those are your pep kids bleating - you do love your Bernie!!!
and - Bernie will be back - so soothe Oneself.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
theres a movement by the senators to have schumer censored.

how many votes does it take to effect a censure?
gfejunkie's Avatar
Censure is not good enough. When you threaten and foment violence against a branch of government you belong in jail. What would Schumer do if someone stood outside the Capitol building and said the same things about him? He'd sic the Capitol police on the nut job!
HoeHummer's Avatar
Strings him up! He’s dangerous and threatens our ways of life’s!


Perhaps yous idiots are the only ones who don’t see what the rest of the world does,..

I suppose he could have taken a page outs of Trumps book and call them traitors...but that kind of verbals ejaculations are only reserved for your shitboss...

Shoulda stood on fifth avenue in NYC and shot someone...

  • oeb11
  • 03-06-2020, 08:32 AM
The Senate has two basic forms of punishment available to it: expulsion, which requires a two-thirds vote; or censure, which requires a majority vote. Censure is a formal statement of disapproval.

Censure is a possibility - just a majority vote required.

Very unlikely that Ag Barr would file criminal charges on Schumer for his reprehensible behavior.

A thought - if Schumer thought his diatribe would move conservative SC justices toward his POV on the abortion case before them - he is very much mistaken. Such behavior would anger SC justices - as Chief Justice Roberts made clear in his rebuke. To think that Schumer's words could pressure a decision toward his POV - the ral effect is exactly the opposite.

SC delibeations are not public - there can be dissenting, minority opinions - but do not expect a public acknowledgement of how/if Schumer's remarks affected deliberations.

Schumer is a feckles hack - his remarks were completely inappropriate - but not likely worthy of criminal charges.

Censure in the Senate - by the Republican majority - given the predisposition to genteel debate - Unlikely - but even if it happened, Schumer would just laugh it off as a battle achievement. Very unlikely to affect him in NY state elections.
  • oeb11
  • 03-06-2020, 08:33 AM
This forum is so much better with hh on Ignore.

I encourage other posters to check your Control panel - the Ignore list is there.