Fauxcahontas gone!

bambino's Avatar
Like a Cherokee spirit disappearing into the night. Who’s the calculating cunt going to team up with. My guess is Biden.
the Kickapoo believed that if you saw the hoot owl first thing in the morning as you went out to pee, then your dream of the night before would come true

wonder if Bernie can still pee?
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Depends... Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Pun intended, no doubt
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Like a Cherokee spirit disappearing into the night. Who’s the calculating cunt going to team up with. My guess is Biden. Originally Posted by bambino

betraying the Bernie Bros might cause Corn Pop some election backlash if he gets nomination. a large chunk of the Bros voted for Trump as a vote against the HildeTard for dicking Bernie over.

the Bros are already blaming Fauxihountus for not dropping out after New Hamster, they claim Bernie would have split with Corn Pop the 14 states 7-7 if she had dropped out sooner.
bambino's Avatar
betraying the Bernie Bros might cause Corn Pop some election backlash if he gets nomination. a large chunk of the Bros voted for Trump as a vote against the HildeTard for dicking Bernie over.

the Bros are already blaming Fauxihountus for not dropping out after New Hamster, they claim Bernie would have split with Corn Pop the 14 states 7-7 if she had dropped out sooner. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
The bottom line, she’s a registered Democrat. Bernie isn’t. The power brokers have the candy to dole out. If Bernie loses, he has nothing to dole out. Plus, lots of Hillary supporters are with Warren. Not Bernie.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Warren has another issue.
By not even carrying her home state, her senatorial reelection could very well easily fail. I would expect a Dim challenger to possibly take it from her in the Dim primary for that.
At the moment, she is the most powerful woman in the DNC.

Unlike Clubbychar and Buttplug, she isn’t going to give away her endorsement for a few moments on the podium. Like her or not, she does have a fairly large following.

Both Bernie and Biden know the value of her endorsement. If she goes with a Biden, it’s over with. Bernie will have no path to nomination. However, if she pledges to Bernie, we are just about guaranteed a brokered Convention, where anything can happen

She’s probably holding out for the VP nod..either Biden or Bernie might not make it four years, Biden is already showing signs of dementia, and ole Bern’s ticker might just explode. She could end up the first female President.
  • oeb11
  • 03-05-2020, 02:02 PM
The political thought that whoever Lizzie gives her endorsement to -her followers will vote for - is flawed.

Her voters are Bernie-socialist types - and do not want to vote for Biden in the DPST nomination process.
bambino's Avatar
The political thought that whoever Lizzie gives her endorsement to -her followers will vote for - is flawed.

Her voters are Bernie-socialist types - and do not want to vote for Biden in the DPST nomination process. Originally Posted by oeb11
Not all of them are. Educated, females are a large group of her support. Hillary girls. They don’t care for Bernie much. Plus, she believes Bernie called her a liar at the debate. The DNC offers her more support if she has to run for the Senate again.
Not all of them are. Educated, females are a large group of her support. Hillary girls. They don’t care for Bernie much. Plus, she believes Bernie called her a liar at the debate. The DNC offers her more support if she has to run for the Senate again. Originally Posted by bambino
If he waves the VP in front of her, she will be glad to wave at the crowds for him.
Jaxson66's Avatar
If Warren does endorse Sanders it’s no biggie, those educated white suburban women will hop on the Biden train. Those ladies aren’t looking for a revolution and they certainly won’t vote for the self proclaimed chosen one. The voting block will split, no biggie.
Hotrod511's Avatar
The lord Emperor Trump will when 2020 no biggie right
Hotrod511's Avatar
Like a Cherokee spirit disappearing into the night. Who’s the calculating cunt going to team up with. My guess is Biden. Originally Posted by bambino
She would be more in line with crazy Bernie no biggie crazy Bernie or Sleepy Joe will not win
  • oeb11
  • 03-05-2020, 04:27 PM
I*m fine with Lizzie as a VP nominee - with either one of the B Bros!
She will be a Socialist anchor around Biden's neck , or together with Bernie - the DPST socialists would go down to one of the most humiliating defeats in electoral history!